Straight Cache Homie

Eerybody knows Constitutional protections don’t matter when it comes to Black people! They knew they couldn’t walk in that door unless they felt someone was in imminent danger. But they’re used to trying everything then finding ass-covering excuses later. It’s great that she was so loud cuz then they didn’t know who

I’m so glad she told that cop she was scared of him. I feel like there’s some kind of unspoken stereotype of black folk not feeling emotions like “fear” or “sadness” or “ennui” or “existential terror”. We only get “animalistic anger” or “child-like jolliness”. And we all know what the cops zero in on and expect to

Semenya’s not outstanding because she’s such a great female athlete. She’s outstanding because she’s intersex and has a body that benefits from male physical characteristics.

So to you, it’s fairer to have Semenya take medication to slow herself down

Deadspin, The Root, Vox and most of the media at large, are missing the point. The women’s category is the protected class. Not the athlete.

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification  

This is where I am basically sucks for Caster and feels very unfair to Caster on the surface (who is an incredible athlete), but it is not fundamentally wrong. It sucks for Caster...but life sucks. Who it would suck harder for are all the females who worked their entire lives to come up 2nd in Caster’s

Deadspin has dug in their heels on a really bad take with the whole Caster Semenya story. It is just an ugly situation, but that does not mean it is discriminatory. Look, the athletics categories are “male” and “female”, and we are not talking about those categories in terms of which one you personally identify as.

Yeah like... I don’t understand why its not 18 at the federal level with a 3 year romeo/juliet law to keep parents from trying to get their kids bf/gf arrested for statutory rape

Maybe I’m an outlier here, but I didn’t think it was bad. There were some really dark moments that added to the confusion, but I felt like that was intentional—as if we the viewers were directly experiencing the fog of war to purposely make us emotionally confused and anxious.

Now playing

If you’ve never seen John Mulaney’s take on BTTF, check it out. It’s fantastic:

You got screwed in the playoffs.  Congratulations, you’re officially an NHL franchise.

Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?

We have more jaguars than leopards, but of course Florida jaguars are slow and ineffectual when they are faced with a determined opponent.

Yeah, either this or they have to watch the replay at normal speed. It should be blatantly obvious that a call needs to be reversed and if it isn’t, then just get on with the game. 

I was an EMT for 5 years.... Very rare occasions did I see as much blood as in most of those photographs. It’s horrendous, and the report’s details about the rape culture in prisons is horrifying. Truly shocking tbh, and it just leaves a sour taste in your mouth after you realize how much we joke about prison rape in

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

This is one of the reasons why we are a Third World Banana Republic.

What are the next steps? Well, I suspect we will all murmur our outrage, do some Google sleuthing in order to sound informed, and then take to social media...for a few minutes.