Straight Cache Homie

I’d encourage you to read the Community Service Society report I mention in the story as well as the comments in this thread and rethink your position.

You can pinpoint the moment where his heart breaks!

Do you know what a monthly train ticket costs? About $550 from western long island into the city. Plus you need to pay for parking at the train station.

lol parking in Manhattan is like $600/month. People who do trades would price this into their new contracts, but most of the “working class” aren’t driving into Manhattan now. This is aimed squarely at the wealthy jackasses who drive into work and the Uber/Lyft that made congestion so much worse. They will plow this

The maids and trades take public transit. What I want to see is if government employees (police and fire, teachers, civil service) are exempt.

I know it’s hard to make it through an entire article before ranting that taxation is theft, but seriously, this was in the second paragraph:

No, Duke Shitthey Pants.

Anyone that voted for Truman Peyote over Storm Duck can go to Hell.

(Jesse Ventura famously attempted to begin unionizing wrestlers before WrestleMania 2, but Hulk Hogan tattled on him to McMahon and the whole thing was scuttled.)

It’s a Nintendo-published game, so the wait for a sale is likely to be years long and any eventual discount is likely to be disappointing.

I will say this about kids these days: having worked with 6-7-year-old kids in a low income area where I also was raised, the trauma these kids have seen and experienced pales in comparison to the shit baby boomers and my generation ever saw while growing up. I am now firmly convinced that essentially kids nowadays

Yea but how many banners do these teachers have hanging in the rafters? I rest my case.

Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves? 

My wife is a teacher, so a bunch of her friends are teachers. They don’t yell at kids, because they actually keep up with the latest research and know that shit doesn’t work.

There are two types of people in this world. People who experienced something shitty and feel like everyone else behind them has to to experience the same thing, and people who experience something shitty and work to prevent those behind them them from having the same shitty experience. 

Here’s an even more fucked up bit of context: once a year one of the local blog sites has a night where they get tickets for poor kids. Of course, tonight was that night.

Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.

As a kid that hit middle school a year after this album came out, Jagged Little Pill felt like the first time I had permission to be ANGRY or disgruntled.

Now playing

Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.

LJ had massive hops in college and his first few years in the pros.  He is the best comp for Zion.