Straight Cache Homie

I’m bemused that Izzo, who makes how many millions of dollars, behaved like a 5-year-old when interacting with an actual 18-year-old. He should be embarrassed. Would a professor at this esteemed academic institution be forgiven for acting the same way?

You’re right, he doesn't work in an office. He works at a fucking school.

Pay them, then

This tweet right before tipoff is my favorite of the tournament so far.

Same reason that free college scares them. No one complains about the “free” education we get through HS, because a HS diploma really doesn’t get you very far these days. But add on those extra 4 years, which might allow the poors to have a chance, and everyone goes nuts because that financial advantage might be taken

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

Service-y reminder: If you are ever in Japan, be sure to see a baseball game. 

Oh look, everybody! We got us a scientist up in this bitch!

Nah, I’m Banquet for life. Two of those combined are 700 cal, 48% from fat (38g), 0g trans fat, but still 24% of my daily fiber. and look on in horror, but less horror than Marie Callender.

Superman would struggle like everyone else at golf. I want to see a whole miniseries of Supes losing his shit on the golf course and melting his clubs with his heat vision.

It’s only click bait if you’re not a very deep thinker. It’s an exactly accurate headline.

Much like how Uranus is actually the planet we are “closest” to in a third way because this planet’s full of assholes.

Englishman here, it's definitely not a thing.

For the last two months, Mané has been the best player wearing the Liverpool red.

So, you’re saying his room was Farmers Only?

The only person who appreciates Borat quotes in my house is MY WIIIFE

Totally. Back when I was young and lived in Pittsburgh, I would hit the Giant Eagle in Shadyside (the fancy one on Centre Ave) during Stillers games and it was a fucking breeze.

When is the optimal time to go to your local grocery store?

The optimum time to go to the grocery store is usually around 6am-8am on a weekday for maximal shopping efficiency.

Between 6-8 is when all the individual departments (seafood, meat, produce, etc.) in the grocery store get going. The interior ailes of the store were restocked by the overnight crew, but departments