
Totally on board with the 2K/Nike bashing here, but the assertion that one can’t buy sneakers at retail anymore simply isn’t accurate. I’ve bought many pair—both at retail and below—on It might be true that certain pairs are difficult to find at retail, sure—but that’s true of literally anything in the

I feel like you know this is ludicrous and just wanted a personal response from the writer.


1) Didn’t skim it.

Okay, I hear you on the “culminating circumstances” angle, but I’m not sure how I’m “reading it wrong.” You write, “It’s a neat encapsulation of why I quit the NFL,” then go on to explain this encapsulation as played out by the roster breakdown as it relates to Wallace/Sanders. Generally speaking, the opening sentence

THAT’S why you quit on the NFL? Because of Mike Wallace and Emmanuel Sanders not working out? Strange bar, but I respect the commitment.

Now I have to know you exist

Gee Lois, how long you been waitin’ to bust out that gem

“To use one to disparage the other creates a false binary, and to keep tying Osaka to that fiasco is unfair, especially since she didn’t do anything wrong.”

Doesn’t matter. This is absolute thought-police bullshit. Fenech is a credentialed member of the press. It’s not okay to just “cancel” him because his opinions are (admittedly) stupid.

...did you even read the comment to which you replied?

I was at that one, too--I was one of the people clapping mockingly. Look for me next time, I’ll be shouting “Chris Davis, ladies and gentlemen” right after he watches strike three.

Was also at last night’s game and felt exactly the same. Every Davis at-bat is like watching someone walk to the gallows.

Great article, but I have to respectfully disagree with one aspect: this is a skillset that catchers need to learn either way. Blocking the plate is critical in the MLB, as is being able to throw to 1B accurately under pressure. If anything, I see this leading to improved defense overall at catcher. (That being said,

I see now that his pants are all the way up. I can only conclude that he either a) is a maniac who uses the toilet as a normal chair or b) is a maniac who shit his pants intentionally to intimidate his opponent

The hell kind of maniac shits with his legs crossed?

The season is far enough along now to say that Harper is having a bad one.” --You, above

...but can Goldberg pitch?

Why do you want to hurt us

Someone please fix the typo so that I don’t have to imagine a world with “ALL THE SPICER.” The SNL routine alone was enough.