I get confused when the expensive stores only have one item of each piece of clothing. Am I supposed to magically fit into that size (since all the pieces are the same size), or am I supposed to ask the salesperson for that article in my size?
I get confused when the expensive stores only have one item of each piece of clothing. Am I supposed to magically fit into that size (since all the pieces are the same size), or am I supposed to ask the salesperson for that article in my size?
Is she...is she...almost crying? I didn't think that was possible?
When I was in high school, I worked at an old-fashioned ice cream shoppe. We had two managers who would switch off. The male manager and I got along really well together, but the female manager and I, well...didn't. She was pregnant, so I like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she eventually just decided to…
Pet peeve:
It's definitely not crazy, but I have felt most awkward about it when having sex in my fiance's parents' living room as an adult.
Yes I LOVED Jaina!! Obviously we aren't getting Jaina/Jacen, and I'm okay with that, but Jaina was such a great character! I hope Daisy's character is a bit like Jaina.
Regarding spoilers of the linked page so stop reading if you don't want to be spoiled!!
Hopefully this won't be as much of a let down as when there was big news that Keisha Castle-Hughes would be in Star Wars III, and all it turned out be was a split-second shot of this:
I have two full bookshelves solely dedicated to Meg Cabot. I own almost every one of her books, and by my last count a few years ago (the books are at my parents' house), it was well over 40 books. I will never get too old for Meg!! I don't have any of her Patricia Cabot stuff or her kid's books. I proudly own all of…
As someone who has lived in Georgia and now lives in NYC, I completely agree with this map. I can't wait to get out of NYC, too. But I'm moving some place better than another state—I'm moving to Europe!
Considering how much Mexican food I eat (I can never, ever get enough), I wouldn't be surprised if I birthed a Mariachi band.
As someone who grew up around many, many stuntmen and -women (and whose own mother is a stuntwoman), all I can think of is how dangerous this is and what a bad idea it is. I kept yelling at the screen, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHERE IS YOUR HARNESS?!" Safety is NOT a joke. Take it from someone who has had family friends…
The parliament of fowls, anyone? I wonder what love story will emerge from this unkindness.
In before the "barnyard" comments come in. I'm already fighting one on Gawker. COME AT ME BRO.
I totally agree. I don't have cable and didn't in college, but I pay for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. I then also have the apps for all the premium channels because my SIL works for Verizon so of course she has every channel ever. I don't care about watching shows the day they air (and I watch a lot, like you!),…
Thank you!
The link has been removed! And I can't find it anywhere! Help!
Two blonde women, a white preppy dude, and a token black dude. Sounds about right, Bama.
As someone who has over 40 years until I retire, I'm not putting 24% of my retirement money in bonds. If the market were to tank today, I'm pretty sure I'd have enough time to recover.