
I come from a film family, so I've met a number of famous people, but I still feel awkward when I do. One odd one was David Hasselhoff just by how random the meeting was. He's a very tall man, and he knows my dad. We were in Montmartre, and David Hasselhoff comes walking down the street followed by many, many people

This winter is the first time I was able to actually skate and not hold onto the wall. I think it was from watching so much of the Olympics ;)

Thanks! I'm going to save your comment and try this out. My boyfriend did try the balance technique, but he was using a men's bike, and he's a foot taller than me, so obviously I was able to get get on it really easily (ha!!). He couldn't understand how I was always leaning to the right no matter what, but I feel like

I'll try that tip out! Thanks!

I also can't whistle. It's hereditary. So I fail at two things :(

I don't know how to ride a bike. NOT FROM LACK OF TRYING. My best friend has spent full, endless days trying, my parents have tried, my boyfriend has tried, and I've tried teaching myself. I even tried to motivate myself because I saw a bike I really wanted but obviously needed to learn first before I bought it. So I

I wonder if Cosmo even knows how "petit fours" is pronounced. Or what it actually is.

Well, coming from someone who works in television, the people/companies who finance projects normally have a right to audit the books.

I don't know if anybody here has tried dry dog food, but it's delicious. Or so I've been told. I totally didn't try it when I was kid and had a dog and wondered what his food tasted like.

Their workout clothes should be okay. The article says they're getting rid of the stuff they only sell in the catalogue. Their exercise clothing is definitely sold in the stores! I really like their stuff, too. Though I hate that a lot of their workout clothes are pink. But they fit so well.

They should still continue to offer it—it said the only things they would stop selling are only in their catalogue. Their yoga pants/work out clothes are in the stores.

"We know we're most successful when we remain focused on our core," said Sharen Jester Turney, CEO of Victoria's Secret told WWD.

Ha. I actually stopped in Williamsburg on my way down to Savannah (where I'm from) for Thanksgiving. We didn't stay long in Williamsburg—it was freezing and there was NOBODY there. But I'm a total history nerd and I had a friend from Germany with me, so I wanted to stop there to show him some American history.

It mostly has to do with tone. "Jewish people" sounds much better. "Jews" sounds harsh, and it reminds us of a darker time. When someone says "she's a Jew," it makes me feel like an Other, and separate from society in a bad way. "She's Jewish" is perfectly acceptable! "She's [a] Hebrew" is definitely not.

I don't normally do this, but there are times when I have done this in the past and it's surprisingly effective.

Yeah I should have clarified—I'm not talking about the little gifts that make spring a little nicer (many people have mentioned hula hoops, Frisbees, chalk, etc.), but I mean full-on Christmas toys (of which I would definitely consider the Frozen dolls!). Obviously Easter is a great time to celebrate the coming of

I never said I wasn't a consumerist. I know I am. I am commenting on the state of our culture—every chance we get, we've turned every holiday into an excuse of buying more and more and more. Look at Thanksgiving and the clusterf*** that has become. Or Christmas. Or back to school (though that's not a holiday). Or

True about the stuffed animal—on Valentine's day, my parents would give me a card and every few years, a stuffed animal from the local drugstore (certainly not every year though). If I lost my teeth, I would get 50 cents, and MAYBE a dollar. Once I got a $1 doll from the dollar store under my pillow. I was so excited

(also, swishandflick...I didn't mean to make that comment as a reply to yours—sorry!! Kinja fail :/)

Seriously. Someone told me who gets the other Valyrian steel sword and someone overheard and they were like, SPOILERS. I don't think it's a spoiler to find out who Tywin gives the other sword to (and, frankly, it was pretty obvious—I just wanted my suspicions confirmed). It's not like it's a major plot point.