
1. Don't post on Facebook.

My question is, when did kids start getting gifts for Easter? I remember getting chocolate and going on the egg hunt. And I loved it. We really ought to limit gifts to two times per year—birthdays and the respective traditional religious gift-giving holiday. Increasing it to every holiday out there only makes us more

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Or that we would all turn into clowns.

Yeah I can definitely see why she didn't progress beyond NCAA. The saltos certainly aren't high enough or difficult enough. Fun to watch, but not as good as an Olympian.

I never go to Crab Shack. I live on the Southside, so my family always goes to Bonna Bella.

Next time try Crab Shack on the way out to Tybee (or you can go to the places on Tybee if you want to drive that far), or Bonna Bella Yacht Club (which is not actually a yacht club). I LOVE Bonna Bella. SUCH good food, and right on the river. I know Crab Shack is a chain—but seafood in Savannah is so fresh anyways

Yes most schools—especially the higher-tier ones—don't negotiate. My best friend got into Harvard and Columbia. She wanted to come to Columbia with me, but Harvard gave her a much better financial aid package. She tried to negotiate with Columbia—no go on that front. Additionally, I got the same financial aid package

Right, but according to that post, she's getting $10k more than tuition/fees AND room and board combined. Even the people I knew who got full rides to my university did not get funds exceecding the cost of tuition/fees and room and board.

Are you sure that the $56,000 is for one year and not all four? I went to private school in the South, and we had a newsletter that went around between all the local private schools with announcements and updates. Near graduation, the seniors would announce which schools they were going to and what amount of

Oddly enough, the process for your hair is almost exactly the same as mine (the difference being I don't have the space or money to own a hair steamer or hooded drier), and when I don't do that lengthy and overly time-consuming process, my hair is completely unmanageable and an utter frizzy mess that makes me cry.

No. One of my closest friends, and a guy whom I had a crush on for a long time, has a very high pitched voice. He sounds like Mickey Mouse (no joke—he says the lines as a party trick). I got over the crush a long time ago (the feelings were not reciprocated), and now we're just good friends.

Wait...over on Kotaku it says we should bring all the medicine possible into China because they don't have good cold medicine if we travel there.…

Wait...women aren't normally the financial planners of the family? Color me shocked. Seriously. My mother takes care of the family's finances, and I take care of the finances for Mr. Shinada. It seems like an obvious, modern extension of housekeeping. In my experience, it's the woman who does all the finances (though

Same! I didn't know it was a slur, either. But then again, I'm a Medievalist, and so I always used it as "deaf and mute," the way I read it in the texts. I used it as just the medieval term for mute.

I'm surprised that the NYU student didn't use an NYU ambulance. Is that not a thing? At Columbia, we had one or two student-run ambulances (who were fully certified and everything), and it was free for student use (because we paid tuition). On top of that, if the injury wasn't so bad, you could choose to have security

To the lady who asked to the wait staff to strain your cole slaw: Strain it yourself. If you're at a diner, it's not completely reprehensible behavior (I strain my cole slaw discreetly).

Arguably, I believe Cleopatra can be left out of history books that cover broad topics. Now, if this were a Shakespeare course or a Roman or Egyptian history course or Classics or Ancient History course, yes, she should be included. But if it's a broad history course, then no, because her contributions to history

That selfie photo in the mirror is way too meta to comprehend.

Somehow, some way, I've been able to avoid Bieber. It's glorious.

When you mess with the bull...