As a straight, white woman, I see where that assumption comes from. And, unfortunately, you're probably right :(
As a straight, white woman, I see where that assumption comes from. And, unfortunately, you're probably right :(
Ah. I don't watch the Walking Dead (I'm not a zombie fan). My mom did work with Chiwetel on a movie, though!
Can we make it clear that the husband in Love Actually is CHIWETEL EJIOFOR?! Why would you ever think about leaving him?
I'm kind of happy about this. Kind of. I can't drink soda (not that I was ever that into it, anyway, but I do love sugar Coke and Dr. Pepper and root beer if I ever give myself the treat). Something about soda makes me sick. There's something wrong with my esophagus, and I get very, very uncomfortable after drinking…
He got it in his late 50's. My father does not have ADD/ADHD. He was able to go to his doctor, say he was unable to focus, and get a prescription. I was surprised by how easily he was able to get a prescription. It also speaks to the shadiness of small-town doctors.
It's surprising for me to hear that people have to go through all this testing. My father has a prescription. He got it from his doctor when he told him he was "unable to focus." No hoops, no tests—just a prescription.
While I personally believe Jamie X is right to do this, especially since the woman confessed, Jamie X should also know that California is a two-party state (I believe—I'm not sure), which means that recording a phone conversation without the other person's consent is illegal! The teacher could potentially sue Jamie X!
I work in midtown Manhattan!
Midtown Manhattan. We have radiators (like the rest of NYC), but for some reason, ours don't seem to heat very well.
Who wants to see if they can beat my temperature? The thermometer in the kitchen reads 43 degrees F! We all have personal space heaters! I personally want to crawl into mine.
Then you'd have to marry Prince George, since everybody in line before him is already married. Too bad he won't reach maturity for another 17.5 years.
I never realized how much that woman looks like Stephen Fry.
When you said Black Widow, I though you meant
More like:
I'll never stop loving Jean-Ralphio.
I'm okay with it, because it means the rich are parting from their money.
This is already a thing in the Catholic church. My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law went through it last year. They were already married with two kids, and had been for seven years, but because they weren't "church" married, they still had to go through the program. They had to study a book, and when I asked to…
I was on the A at 42nd a few weeks ago when they stopped the train at the station and had police search. The conductor came on the speaker and said that he'd been sighted and reported as being on the last three cars of the train (one of which I was in). They asked us to look around, provided a description of his…
I find this article offensive to all those who are named Raper. And yes, I do know someone with that last name. The proper term is rapist. We shouldn't get that confused.
Actually, I don't view this is as her stomping on a guy. I view this as him hanging onto her heel, a la "hanging onto coattails." It looks like he's holding on for dear life, instead of looking like he's about to get squashed. I view this is a strong cover—she's made her way to the top, and so now she's "the Man."