
This is what my boyfriend's sister-in-law does with her daughter. Whenever I see them, I don't ask for a kiss or a hug, I ask for a high five. Now that I do that and don't ask for a hug anymore (which I used to do all the time, because that baby girl is just SO DARN CUTE), their daughter (who is just shy of two and a

Mozzarella and provolone are naturally low-fat cheeses (so says my nutritionist, anyway), and I don't find them horrid.

They don't say what this diet is for in the article, which is not necessarily to lose weight. It's for those with hypertension, I believe. One of my friends is on the DASH diet—not because he needs to lose weight (he's skinny enough), but because he was diagnosed with hypertension by his doctor and this diet has

Provolone and mozzarella are naturally low-fat cheeses that fit into the DASH diet. And skim milk is not that bad (I grew up with it, so I love it). Whole milk makes me feel sick because the amount of fat in it. 1% is a nice compromise and those I know who hate skim milk can usually get by with 1%. Also organic milk


This is why when I'm rich I'm going to build a theater for myself that no one else can watch movies in except me. And, being in the film industry, screenings are WAY better than going to a regular theater. I know it sounds snobbish, but I can't stand unprofessional audiences. No clapping (who are you clapping for?

I'm a baby about the cold and I live in New York. Anything below 40 degrees and I'm double pants-ing it.

So if I want to buy clothes for my Felicity, what am I supposed to do? Buy her...MODERN clothes? I can't order any of her things any more?

Yes and no. And, SPOILER: In the end of the series, the love story doesn't matter so much. But through the series, yes, it feels like it's important. And their love is important plot-wise at the end of the first book.

SPOILER WARNING: Does anybody think they'll change the ending of the series for the movie? Does anybody think the ending was...unwarranted?

It's possible to be a nerd and not like the Hobbit/LotR. I don't like it, but I've served my time in similar fandoms. I played D&D for years, and in college I played Warhammer (in German! Makes everything way more awesome). I'm also way into other nerdy movies/books/etc.

THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!!! My mom had fibroids and had her whole uterus removed a few years ago through a minimally-invasive procedure, so I assume it's this one that you're talking about. I'm going to forward this to her IMMEDIATELY so that she can get checked out by her doctor.

I don't know how to say this nicely, but he's gotten a bit up in age and has begun to exhibit the qualities found in old people, including weird traits. One of those was washing money because he didn't like the idea of germs. He'd soak them in the sink and then lay them flat to dry. I haven't seen him do it in a few

You can wash American money, too. My father used to wash all his bills in the sink.

Oh I get that about the kids, that they don't know. But I was waiting, hoping that I wouldn't have to say anything, and that the parent would step in. She did not until I said something about it. And I waited a good long while, too, trying to give her the opportunity to at least say something, because I really

I was once on the last leg of a 13-hour trip and a boy behind me kept kicking my seat. When I turned around and asked his mother to stop him, she told him to knock it off in a very loud voice and kept saying "that lady" would like him to stop kicking, as if it were up to her, he'd be allowed to kick all the seats all

I believe if Hiddleston and Fassbender were in a movie together, the world would implode from the sexiness. I also believe they look like brothers.

Wait...I just googled your username. Is this Nicole? Because then we're FB friends, ha. This is Sara.

YES I DID!!! Who are you? What year did you graduate? I was there third through fifth grade. Ms. Sutphen, Mrs. Ilger (sp?), and then Ms. Scurria (sp?). I was class of 2000! I think Lisa Frank's son was in my class with Ms. Scurria, because that's when I remember her drawing the portraits of us!

We have friends of the family where the mother is black (but I think she's half black?) and the father is white. They have twins. The son obviously inherited his mother's darker genes, but the daughter is super pale with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have to wonder if she ever got this question, but I never would have