
Yes and no. I recently walked a red carpet and I struck a pose slightly different from what is usually seen (I had one leg bent instead of straight), and when I saw the paparazzi photos after, I realized I really should have taken a cue from the celebs and done one of their poses. The angle of the cameras and the

I actually went to school with a kid in the 90's whose mother's name was Lisa Frank and was an artist. She'd come to school and draw things for us. We were all convinced she was THE Lisa Frank, but she always denied it. This was in LA, so I'm sure she wasn't the famous one, but it was still fun to pretend.

Also, in the Middle Ages, they were aware that time passed (obviously), but they weren't aware of change over time. Which is why you see ancient historical figures dressed in what was contemporary clothing. Or why the lords would lease their lands to the peasants for 99 years at the same rate every year.

If guests drop by unannounced, it's not your job to entertain them. If they wanted food, they should have notified you beforehand and not have rudely dropped by.

Also, a country being only 65 years old does not make it any less legitimate. There have been MANY countries that have come into existence after Israel.

It literally DID NOT exist before 1948. And you can't say, "almost no one lived there." People lived there. It was their home. And they were forcibly removed, where generations later those people and their families are still living in refugee camps in Lebanon, or live in the world's largest open air prison in Gaza.

As someone who comes from a film family: Get used to it. I make fun of my father's movies ALL THE TIME. I'm 24 and he JUST wrote the first script that I have not laughed at and that I actually want to see. Your kids will laugh no matter what. My father once wrote a script about serial killers where the woman begs the

Luckily my boyfriend will be unable to see this color. He is colorblind to both purple and pink. Pink looks grey to him and purple looks blue. I wonder what color he'll see when he looks at this shade.

As a woman, I shave my legs. I believe I started when I was 11 due to peer pressure. I saw a girl at summer camp in my cabin shaving her legs, asked her what she was doing (I'd never seen that before), and she promptly made fun of me the rest of the week for not shaving. I came home and my mom showed me how to shave,

This discussion is so racist.

Ha. I always forget that website exists!

Not at all, actually, it's just interesting to use the term "shawty" for a tall woman. I thought the term "shawty" came from the general idea that women are usually much shorter than men.

Of all the things she is, short is not one of them.

I already text my parents my list. Granted, I'm 24 so I ask for things like new socks and underwear (I'm a very practical 24-year-old). But still.

As far as metaphors go, I don't think I would want cholesterol anything to be "bigger." Unless, of course, we were talking about HCL ;-)

Question: Why are fat people tongue-clicking? What is tongue-clicking? Is that tisking? I don't understand for what purpose the fat people are tongue-clicking. I don't understand why this adjective (gerund? What is it?) is used for fat people. Or are people tongue-clicking at fat people? This is oddly worded.

Yes! That's it! I love that book! I picked it up when I was a kid and I'm pretty sure it was the first time I'd ever heard of Byzantium. I was so confused for the longest time about whether it existed and where it had existed, because I'd never heard of it before (and by the time I read this book, I was definitely

Wow. That is not at ALL what I got from the article above.

While my experience is nowhere near comparable to hers, she probably would have been okay if she hadn't made the flippant remark at the end about going to complain to the administration. I once did something very similar at my job, and it came back to bite me in the ass.

Does this come from the cover a young adult/children's book? If so, I have read this book many, many times. I always get so mad at the end when Anna does not become the empress.