
There's nothing wrong with being sullen-faced. I would be just as mad if it were a guy. My issue is that it's her job to give interviews and be on camera. She signed up for it when she became an actress. She acts like she resents it all. It's her JOB. If she doesn't like it, she can quit being an actress.

Isn't it comforting to know that Jennifer Lawrence is the It Girl and KStew has fallen out of public favor? I could not WAIT to have her sullen face off my TV screen. Jennifer Lawrence is such a refreshing change. I hope she always remains awesome.

THERE WAS AN NYC PREMIERE?! Why did no one tell me!! I could have gone!!!

Yeah their version of Miley and Macklemore are SO MUCH BETTER. I can seriously listen to those on repeat for a long time.

I love Postmodern Jukebox! Their covers are sometimes better than the originals!!

Darn! I know Greasy Sae was in the trailer! I know they show her getting beaten (or the aftermath of her beating) because my mom pointed and she was like, "That's me! Well, that's me as Greasy Sae."

District 9 Tribute. She dies in the bloodbath. She also doubled for Amanda Plummer (Wiress) and Greasy Sae. Hopefully there are some good shots of either her or her doubling so she can put it in her next reel!

They took ALL the phones away? How does that work? That seems like a very easy opportunity to get it stolen. And yeah, it's my mom, but it's not the morphling (Megan Hayes).

Ugh I need some help on this front. I'm currently planning my company's holiday party and a couple people have mentioned that it would be great to have it at the Red Room at The Park in NYC. However, the theme of the lounge is red Asian opium den. It's not run by Asians, it's specifically catered to the well-to-do

Ha! I will be watching the movie with one of the Catching Fire tributes next week! You're lucky that you've seen it! Not even she's seen it yet, and she's in the movie!

You know what I do to get the man to help out more for parties and such? Cook slowly. He'll wander in because he wants to hang out, and then he'll think I'm cooking too slowly, or not doing it the right way, or whatever, and he'll eventually start by "helping" that turns into taking over. Problem solved.

Somebody has too much time on their hands.

My school was so small that everybody eventually had a class with everybody else in the same grade, so in that instance, this study can't fail, unless the students became friends with students in different grades (ha! Unlikely).

Everything about Walmart reminds me of the Sliders episode Season's Greedings. EVERYTHING they do leads me to believe they'll become (or already are) the mall in that episode.

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden?

Well we're working on it right now. I don't know if there's an air date yet. There are SO many stories to tell, and there are some good ones (and some very, very sad ones) coming up! It just makes it all the more pressing for there to be real federal anti-stalking laws and that law enforcement really needs to enforce

I used to know the story (are you sure we haven't covered it on the show?), but I can't remember!

GAH YOU GUYS. I work on a show "Stalked: Someone's Watching," where we tell true stories of stalking. I'm forwarding this right now to the producers!

The seasons are short because it's British. 6-8 episodes is very standard, but it's usually the shows with the longer seasons that make it to America (Merlin, Doctor Who, etc). Sherlock only has three episodes per season (though if they were broken up into the correct time allotments, it would be six episodes per

Well, what I would really like for her to do is a joint Jezebel/io9-style AMA (like Lifehacker's "How I work" series), but I don't know how to go about requesting that/setting one up. I'm going to try to get her to do a Reddit AMA.