Yeah it's the coolest thing about me (well, it's not even about me!), so I've gotta capitalize on it while I can! Really get the cool factor up before it plummets!
Yeah it's the coolest thing about me (well, it's not even about me!), so I've gotta capitalize on it while I can! Really get the cool factor up before it plummets!
If I ever wanted to have kids, I don't think I'd ever get a birth control that causes scar tissue in the fallopian tubes.
Honestly, the thing that makes my resume stick out (and it gets commented on all the time) are the following: Medieval Studies major (which is nowhere close to the field I work), and that I was in a Marilyn Manson music video when I was a kid. I am so thankful to those two odd facts about me.
I know!!! A coworker introduced them to me and now I'm obsessed.
District 9 would not be full of emaciated people. They provide the farming. I would know—my mom is the tribute from District 9 in Catching Fire!
I would suggest not saving up for college. FAFSA-based aid punishes the savers, and rewards the spenders (or those who just never had much money to begin with). My suggestion? Pay off as many debts as you can before it's time to fill out the FAFSA and you'll get more need-based aid. My college counselor suggested my…
You guys the Beast when he's human is the hottest thing ever.
I should hope so! But the only time I remember the issue coming up was with a man. I'm pretty sure it was in a Nordic country like Sweden, so it would surprise a great deal if the same wasn't offered to women.
I definitely read that as "Trips to the Skank" and not "Trips to the Shrink." I suddenly thought insurance was going to cover trips to the brothels! I mean, that's allowed in some European countries by health insurance. I've definitely read an article about a disabled man who was granted coverage of that by insurance…
Oh I remember that! Okay. Yes. Okay. No I definitely remember that. I guess he went on to become internet famous?
I'm trying my hardest not to Google him.
I used fastweb to find most of the scholarships, but then I also found ones that I was eligible due to family or location. I received a four-year Wachovia (now Wells Fargo) scholarship that was given specifically to one girl in my county who was not allowed to study certain fields (law, nursing), and then I also got a…
I'm not an old. I've never heard of this person.
Yes. This.
If you know your topic well enough, two hours is totally feasible for a four-page paper. My favorite (easiest) four-page paper was on Mansfield Park for an Austen seminar in college, and it was Mansfield as being stuck between the new system of enclosures and the old Medieval system. Four pages, done in two hours, and…
She's in IRAN and is going to be an ENGLISH-speaking, WESTERN-EDUCATED, DIVORCED WOMAN on TELEVISION, speaking for HAMAS? Does not compute. I repeat. Does NOT compute.
Yeah I once had a roommate who was accused of plagiarism when I was a Junior. That was SCARY. The amount of stuff that could have happened if she'd been successfully condemned by the court (for any plagiarism case, they set up a council who then put you on trial). I was once almost accused of plagiarism in Astronomy.…
That's a lot better than what I once said to one of my lesbian friends. On finding out she was a lesbian while on the way to the Renaissance Faire in college, I blurted out, "But you're so pretty!" I feel so dumb about that comment now...ugh I wish I could wipe that naivety from my memory. It's my great shame that I…
His reasoning that he plagiarized your work is that he had exams that same week? Really? We've all been there. No matter whether it was high school or college or graduate school, we've all been there, and yet most of us are able to get by without plagiarizing the work of someone else. I once had four papers and two…
...Have you seen the Rose Parade? It gets very good ratings (I mean, what else are you going to watch on New Year's morning?) and so these companies get good exposure, especially since they don't just show the floats, they describe them, sometimes telling a background of the sponsor, the inspiration for the design,…