
You know who keeps A&F in the black? Europeans. THEY LOVE A&F, Hollister, etc. Whenever my French/German friends come to visit me, they always want to go shopping at A&F. I don't understand it. I go with them, plug my nose, and do quick runs between the store and the outside to purge that acrid perfume from my system.

You see on the cover of STAR that says Anne Hathaway is pregnant? I know for a fact that she is not. I'm friends with the "source" (i.e., her brother). He's a comedian, and so he was making it as part of a joke that, I guess, didn't work since someone took it seriously.

Thanks for the idea! Sounds delicious!

Oh I understand that. It's much meatier than spinach, though the flavor is similar. I was at a farmer's market and I decided to pick some up since it was extremely cheap ($3 for a HUGE bag of it) and I'd heard it was a nutritious food. I couldn't figure out what to do with it so I put it in eggs. Cut out the stems,

I cook Rainbow Chard like spinach. It's good in eggs.

Ugh I hate cole slaw with mayo (and I'm from the South!). I always squeeze out as much mayo as I can (it can fill up a small plate, easily), and replace with spicy mustard. SO DELICIOUS!!!

The purpose of college is the pursuit of knowledge, not to learn a trade. That's what trade schools are for. If a degree leads to your eventual field, all the more power to you, but it's not a requirement for many industries. I work in television and I got my degree in Medieval Studies. I always planned it that way.

Miss Russia!! That dress is beautiful!

Regarding T-Mobile: They used to be very good to us. Honestly, really very good. Family plan, unlimited 4g (2GB fast), 600 min, unlimited text, free nights and weekends, free family, free fave 5, free T-Mobile to T-Mobile. It was very rare that my family used up all 600min (that's not per line, that's total). Plus,

If someone wrote me a "hey" email, I'd just write "hey" back. And then if they responded, I would ignore whatever they said/asked and just say "hey." Hopefully they'll eventually get the hint that it's really annoying to just receive an email (or text!) that just says "hey."

My boyfriend and I look like siblings, unfortunately. The proof: (1) People say he looks like Jesse Eisenberg (which I don't see beyond the curly hair), and people tell me I look like the Pepsi Girl—Jesse Eisenberg's sister. In fact, she and I are about the same age, and when I lived in LA, I would get stopped all the

Yes I meant Pope, as in Olivia, and also that it rhymes with dope. It's supposed to be punny, kind of :)


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. It helped me lose 30+ lbs and keep the majority of it off for over a 1.5 years. I've gained five lbs back, but it was during the time I stopped tracking my food in the past three months, so I've gone back to tracking it like crazy. I also monitor my calorie percentages - how much comes

That's very similar to my grandfather's will. My dad is the only non-screw up of his siblings, so he gets it all, and he is setting up trusts for all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The trick is to get married and THEN become a priest. They won't make you give up your family then. I have a friend whose dad is a Catholic priest. He was an Anglican priest first (so he was able to marry, have kids, etc), and then he got disillusioned and converted to Catholicism and was able to take his family with

Seriously! For a couple, that would be over $73,000/year! With a house (mortgage/insurance/utilities/etc), a car (payments/gas/insurance), and food (not accounting for extras, like clothing, fun times, etc), I would hope I would not be spending that much! I mean, that would be really expensive, and DEFINITELY more

Because the menz have to keep all their mistresses happy. Duh.

Thanks for sharing! I did check out your blog, but I didn't see that post!