
I used to be sensitive to pineapples when I was a kid (it would burn to swallow them). Thankfully I grew out of that when I was a teen because I LOVE pineapple. I could eat pineapple all day long. The only way for me to eat it as a kid was if it was canned, presumably because sitting in water the acidity was diluted.

If Julie Chen didn't get a nose job, then she has one insanely good makeup artist. Can I get her number? I need some help with my nose.

VMars is my most favorite show, also! It's so rare to find one of us IRL. I think I've only found other fans on the internet, unfortunately.

I never knew Nathan Fillion played an evil character like that! Except, well, for the hero of Dr. Horrible (ugh he was such a douche). It's still hard for me to make it past the second season of Buffy (Byronic Angel is so hot and Spike is not attractive to me).

Deva is the best. I'm moving to Europe and I'm frantically trying to find a replacement because shipping will make it prohibitively expensive. Any suggestions? Have you tried Jessicurl? I have 2C/3A hair.

Does anybody not associate Adam Scott primarily with Ben and instead with Mr. Rooks? I mean, I love Parks and Rec, but I am still unable to get past the fact that Mr. Rooks is now likeable.

Yeah I remember when I went into the student center and they had this huge dispenser of condoms on the wall. It was great. It was like there were condom dispensers in all the student facilities. I remember at orientation they gave us lollipops that were stamped with something like "Don't be a sucker, ask before you

It was listed a top party school for consent in the hacked article above. That's what she was referring to.

Oh yeah it would definitely be for the education, not so much the network. I really want to advance my skill. I already work in the business side of television, but I know I could advance my career more if I went back to school.

A college friend posted on her FB that this is the only time Columbia has been listed as a top party school (and for sexy sexy consent! So I was pretty happy). And now you're telling me it's fake? So you're saying Columbia still isn't a top party school?

Constantinople! I was able to make it fit into the song better than Istanbul or Turkey.

I might be moving to Austria next summer, and I'm seriously considering getting my MBA while I'm there. As an American citizen, it only costs $1000 per semester. That's $2000 per year. And $4000 for the entire degree. From an international top 25 or 50 business school!! I think an investment like that is worth it. If

I manage my mother's public Twitter and Facebook pages, and she gets tons of requests for "follow me," "retweet me," etc, especially right now because her "fan" base is all teenagers (she's a tribute in the upcoming Hunger Games movie). I never know how to respond to these. Should she follow them? Retweet them? I know

I still feel like that an actress who is not as much of an A-lister should have been cast as Princess Grace. Like when Michelle Williams was cast as Marilyn. Sure, Michelle Williams is famous, but she is not as well known as Nicole Kidman. And Williams was able to change the way she looked. Kidman still undeniably

I like the name Experience. It reminds of names like "Constance" and "Felicity." Also, I have an ancestor named Experience. Experience Mitchell. Maybe he was good in bed? (Unlikely—he was a protestant born in the early 1600's.)

I want to be the person at Gawker who finds all the cute animal videos and photos to post. How do I get that job?


I understand where you're coming from, but the problem with that is they probably think they'll be throwing away their futures if they drop out of the sorority, which is a huge burden to put on 19-year-old girls (approximate age). I'm from Georgia and sorority life after college is HUGE and important. I had a few

Don't tell me that it would be good for an Investigation Discovery show, because I currently work on THREE of them. Information like this is meant to be passed along to the relevant authorities per my duty by working on these shows.