Ignore this Heather. I think she's trolling.
Ignore this Heather. I think she's trolling.
I forgot to do that, too, but I had blood work done after, and the results were startling. I hadn't officially done blood work before I started, but I'd done it a year or two prior, and my weight and habits were the same, so I figured it was still valid. I couldn't believe how much diet exercise helped. It was amazing.
If I were from, say, Phoenix, AZ or Death Valley, I'd definitely not let it slide (88F? Ha! That's practically winter!). But since I live in NYC, I hate the heat. So yes, you may definitely blame the weather for this one!
...I think you got your holidays confused...And religions.
Love love love Penelope. It's such a great fairy tale with JAMES MCAVOY. Yeah, you read that right.
Then yes, definitely no excuse. I would be super upset too. Someone should have told them to knock it off.
If you're talking about the monument that's near the Brandenburger Tor, to be fair, it doesn't say what it is in an obvious place. I sat on one of the "coffins" once (some of them are low enough to be benches) because I didn't know what it was and, as I said, there was not an obvious sign. There was a guard there who…
I once had a roommate who told me her boyfriend, fresh out of college, deserved to make a lot of money because he had student loans to repay. I, who worked many jobs during college and throughout the summers to make sure I did not have to take student loans, thought this was a BS argument. I believe pay should be…
I've seen cockrings next to the lube at Kmart.
As a curly girl, I'll stick to Devachan, even if I do have to pay $150. One hair cut there lasts me six months, mostly because I get it chopped off and then it grows out really nicely.
My rational fear of goslings (such a fear is definitely rational!) stems from when I was five and got swarmed by a flock of geese and they tried to eat me. They were as tall as I was and were hissing in my face and snapping their beaks. Ugh it was awful. My mother eventually rescued me before they were able to tear my…
MEN. That's always the answer—"get stronger." Mr. Shinada says the same thing to me. I'm quite petite next to him. I've taken to hitting him until he moves, especially because he likes to pin me down while he sleeps. It takes about ten minutes, but at least it works!
What...what are those? Are those baby ducklings? If so, that guy will live.
I like being the inside spoon. However, Mr. Shinada goes to bed a lot later than I do. While I'm asleep, he likes to subconsciously suggest things to me. His favorite one is to suggest that I'll be the outside spoon (even though he's a foot taller than me) and it works. When he finally climbs into bed, I somehow…
A dog doing downward facing dog. So meta.
There is no such thing as a little spoon. When spoons spoon they're all the same size. You don't spoon a big spoon and a little spoon together! That's blasphemy! There is only the inside spoon and the outside spoon.
The Shoprite near me (in a populous part of NJ) puts huge packs of chicken breasts in that bin of cook or freeze for $1.99/lb, a much better price than any other meat in the store by at least 50%. We freeze them and it lasts for weeks.
I don't disagree with this article, but I would like to say that the level of generalization given to Mennonites (and insular communities) in this article is too much. Some insular communities, while adverse to modern conveniences, do wonderfully well. Some Mennonite communities even use and own modern conveniences…
I wish they carried my bra size. I have to go to Nordstrom or Victoria's Secret for that.