
YES! I get all my bathing suits from there, too! I mean, it's not like bathing suits have to be really high quality—how many people really wear them year after year? They're relatively good quality and they're not expensive at all (compared to other bathing suits, at least). I still haven't found a place that sells

Oh, also, I have larger than a D cup. Just to clarify.

JC Penney. It's amazing. I highly recommend it. All my gym clothes are from there, and their sizes do run large. They smallest size they have is, well, small, and even that's too big for me (and I swear that in real life I am NOT that small). Plus the price is great! I just bought a bunch of sports bras from them for


Here is something that I've been wondering about: What is a wedding shower for? You get gifts and/or money at the wedding, but you also get MORE gifts at a wedding shower? I mean, I understand the purpose of a baby shower—handing down of knowledge and all that—but what about a wedding shower? Is it just a way for the

On the plus side, parents now push their kids around longer, leading to excellent upper body strength and increased stamina!

Agreed. I'm all for going bra-less (even though I can't without looking like a saggy mess—whatup DD) but some of those really disturb me and question what little faith I have left in [television] journalism.

I call it a lifestyle change because when I think of "diet" it sounds temporary to me and that, one day, I'll be able to gorge myself on a whole pizza and a whole thing of breadsticks like I used to. I prefer the term "lifestyle change" because it's my new life. No one is "selling" me anything—it was my decision to

True, it's anecdotal. If by dieting you mean fad diets, then yes, you are correct. Instead, change the word "dieting" to "lifestyle change." A lifestyle change includes eating better (more fruits and veggies) and becoming more active. Does that sound unhealthy to you?

I've lost over thirty pounds and have kept it off for over a year. My boyfriend lost fifty and has kept it off for five years. My parents do not need to lose as much as 30 but what they've lost they've kept off for longer than five years. My friends—some have kept it off, some have not. But that's not the point.

Oh I get you. My parents always advised me to lose weight because I have hereditary high cholesterol (high HDL "good" from my mother, high LDL "bad" from my father) and the weight loss has honestly done wonders; it has lowered my bad LDL and kept my good HDL high. Sure, I look better, but more importantly I feel much

Except, for some reason—eating well, calories in < calories out + a bit of exercise— it works for many people. It's worked for me, for my family, for my boyfriend, and for all my friends who've tried it and dedicated themselves to it. I too have had friends that said to me "dieting doesn't work." Sure there are always

I'm so happy I've found someone who agrees with me about the content of the weight loss articles on this site. I love Jez, but they have a lot of unwarranted snark about healthy living/weight loss and they do have a general attitude of "why bother" about it. Also, a lot of hate about BMI with a grossly hyperbolized

I understand that this article is supposed to be full of snark, but it's not hard to reconcile a lot of the "steps" (as long as they aren't contradicting each other). There's one section (37-41) that basically says eat lots of different color foods—that's really good advice, as long as it's not Skittles! I'll make an

I would have loved to have a home-ec class in high school, just to teach me how to be an adult and be responsible without all the trial and error I went through. And I really, really wish I knew how to sew.

I cannot imagine having to go through all that pomp and pageantry which, essentially, celebrates the death of your father.

In college I was in a weird sort of open relationship with a guy, and when it officially ended, I got drunk with my roommates and came up with a list of the nit-pickiest stuff I could think of in my dream guy (and then ended it with my middle/high school celebrity crush, who may or may not be Hayden Christensen) (I

I still don't understand the purpose of a wedding shower (baby shower yes. Wedding shower—what?! It sounds like just an excuse for presents instead of an actual celebration). I thought it was the tradition to give presents at the wedding and that the parents of either the bride or groom would be in charge of holding

That's what I want to know.

Do not knock Costco taquitos. Those are amazing. And I also lived off of them when I was 11.