
I tried golf once with my mother. Neither she nor I could do it. It was difficult to swing the club with the twins in the way (I'm a DD). Afterwards, I asked my mother, "Where are my boobs supposed to go?" She said, "I have no idea, but my boobs got in the way too." Can someone please answer what to do with my

Fun fact: In the Middle Ages, the general theory was that women were men whose balls hadn't dropped.

I'm not a gamer (the most I do is stare at the computer while my boyfriend plays and then he gets the hint so he lets me play but as I do not know how, I end up just stealing everything/trying to kill everybody/don't follow the story and in the process kill his character), but isn't Lara Croft an insanely popular

That's the old-fashioned way of air conditioning. They would do that in the 1900's with a fan and a block of ice.

Agreed. I'm from the South, and every weekend it seems like a high school classmate is getting married (and I only graduated from high school in 2007!!). I went to college in NYC and still live here, and my college friends are like, "Marriage? What's that?"

I should clarify that he never actually called himself a prince—that was entirely my doing. It was just the way I was able to understand what he was saying when he described his situation as the son of a chief.

I went to college with a guy who was an actual Native American "prince" from Oklahoma. He planned to go to law school after college, and I (like a major dumbass), joked around and asked if it was because he wanted to go back and help his tribe (mostly because that's what we see in their modern cultural portrayal, like

Honestly, I had never heard of "hair touching" as a thing that is a common experience among black women until I started reading Jezebel. I just thought it was a thing that happened to anybody with curly hair. It doesn't strike me as odd because as a white woman who grew up with Shirley Temple curls that magically

And here is the same story across other (relatively major) outlets:

Actually, they are talking about the flight attendant heroes. Here is one, and I read the same story on Yahoo this morning as it was one of their top links.

My niece has chickens. Her grandfather found out that she likes chicken (she's not even 2 years old. She likes ALL animals) and so he bought her a bunch of baby ones. Her other grandparents, with whom my niece lives, rolled their eyes when they saw this and set about to build her a literal Chicken McMansion.

I don't know if they mention this in the video (I only watched it, but I didn't have the sound on), but back then, Disney was a lot more affordable. Not that it cost less without accounting for inflation type of thing. It was that it was pay-per-ride, so if you wanted to come for an hour, you could. You wouldn't feel

I have Wells Fargo, and as long as there is direct deposit set up with the account, there are no fees.

I love the Kindle Daily Deal. I have found some very good reads on there. Unfortunately, they've been putting up not as good or popular books lately (before they would occasionally have big books - I bought the Handmaid's Tale that way) but hopefully it's just a lull and it'll turn around soon. They used to offer a

What about sprinkles? I don't know much about baking, but what makes the confetti-ness of confetti cake? Maybe something like that?

You know what would be a good city to host the Olympics? Austin. Austin would DEFINITELY be a good place. Nice sized population, room to spread if it needs to, it's in the middle of the country, it's both conservative and liberal, it embodies the "Go West" mentality of old America and has all the promise of the future

You guys this show is so racist the pug is even in black face!

Wait. I'm confused. That's it? I mean...really? That's it? That's not a joke? I thought it would have included using only a specific type of bottled water that keeps ice from melting and/or cracking or if it does melt blends nicely with alcohol. Like alcohol ice! Or something. Even though vodka doesn't solidify in the

Thanks! I get that a lot :) I mean, how many stuntwomen does the average person meet?