
Please please please someone post Pippa's ice tips. I have to know if she has some super secret way of making ice besides freezing water that us plebes don't know about.

Oh wow I didn't know that! Thanks for sharing! I will say it's my mom who gets the second-round votes, and I know that she only really cares mostly about the stunt coordination Emmy, I think mostly because she was a key part of its founding (stunt performers rarely get recognition and they have super dangerous jobs

I don't really know what you mean, but they get the big packet with many, many, MANY shows listed in each category (basically every show that ever aired during eligibility period), and then they get the final ballot with the five shows in each category. Is that first and second? Or is that first and third?

I don't understand why Copper is on BBCA, either. BBCA is supposed to have British television for American audiences. Producing its own series is a relatively new thing from just the past couple of years. BBCA should only have shows with a British connection because it's the British Broadcasting Corporation and, in

You can check out the different types of memberships here. My mother is an active member and I'm pretty sure my father is an associate member, but I can't say for certain.

I have seen Orphan Black (my parents have not) because I am a huge Whovian and it aired right after. I saw the first two episodes, and I must say I didn't like it. My first issue is that I don't understand why it's on BBCAmerica. It doesn't take place in Britain, the main actress isn't even British and her accent is

With two parents who vote for the Emmys, I can tell you that these signs have really no bearing on their votes, especially since they frequently call me to ask whom they should vote for if they're deciding between a few shows.

Wait... this wasn't common knowledge? Or, at the very least, it seems obvious? I mean, I'm American, but every meaning was exactly what I thought it ought to be.

They interview him on DW Confidential. I don't remember if he wore a wig or not. I don't think he did.

Ha. Those were the only ones I could remember/experienced off the top of my head.

Body doubles are used for more than just a look. They're also used so that the star doesn't have to film as much. For someone who's very busy, why would he or she need to stick around to get a shot of themselves walking away when we aren't even seeing their faces? Use a double. This has been done loads of time. I

Rufio! Rufio! RU-FI!

Any Hook references are a plus in my book.

DAMN YOU JEZEBEL! I just started BAWLING at work with all these wonderful photos full of love. GAH. Warn a gal next time, would ya?

I haven't felt like this since Tammy Baldwin was elected. Such elation.

"It was fucking ridiculous that women had to scream, scream, scream to be heard." <— This, this. So much this. Last night we were telling the politicians what we wanted, and they wouldn't listen. This feels more like an oligarchy than a republic.

Agreed. The fighting is the only thing that keeps my faith in the government. I love it, and I love it when we're heard.

That is quite literally the complete opposite of my news feed. Everybody is praising Wendy and the other Democrats of the Texas Senate, and are rejoicing at the downfall of DOMA.

Nobles would usually have the privacy of curtains around the bed (which were for more than just privacy—it was also to keep warm during the winter), but other nobles would be in the room, and this was a tradition for centuries, well up into the eighteenth century (and possibly 19th, but I can't say for certain).