
If it takes a lot of work to peel a peach, you're doing it wrong. You should cut an "X" on the butt of the peach, blanche them, and then the peel, well, peels right off. A chef once told me that this is a technique called "emande" or something like that when I was describing how to make peach cobbler.

She looks like Melisaundre.

She's so gorgeous. Obviously she just wants a friend, and the lion's all, "Nope. Imma play over here."

I'm 23 and I'm already starting to turn into my mother. I used to take after my father and not want to throw anything away. Now I'm obsessed with having absolutely no clutter.

Maybe I'm getting my allusions mixed up, but isn't it supposed to be the great white whale instead of the white buffalo? Where is the buffalo thing from?

Because winter is coming.

The show isn't Dr. Who, or even Dr Who, it's Doctor Who. And the time traveler isn't Dr. Who, or Dr Who (as would be appropriate in Britain), but the Doctor. It wouldn't be "Dr. Whodina," it would just be the Doctor, as always.

I might be crazy (really, I might be), but when I'm dressed like the ladies at the top for parties and such, I feel super empowered and confident. I'm not joking. I feel like I can kick butt and take names and that nobody can mess with me and if they try to, they get a six inch stiletto up their butts.

Scuttlebutt is a knotting and pulley technique used to transfer open barrels of water between decks without spilling a drop. If you spill water, you lose.

I was a Girl Scout and a Boy Scout in California. Boy Scouts has certain divisions that allows girls. I was in the Sea Scouts. It was SO MUCH FUN!! We would go to competitions, where they judged on skills like knot tying, drill teams, uniforms, skuttlebutt.

Is the perfume that these new hipster flight attendants wear called Eau de Maple? And is it locally and organically sourced? Preferably from the maple trees that these hipster flight attendants grow in their own backyards?

He looks like he's doing this to say, "Hey, I'm Jaden Smith. I'm Will Smith's son. I dare you to say anything about how stupid this looks to me. I DARE YOU."

I'm Loon and he's Bear. His favorite animal is the loon and he thinks it makes the most beautiful sound. He also loves listening to my voice, hence the nickname. Plus, I'm crazy, so I always thinking he's calling me "Lune." He's Bear, because, well, he's a mountain man and is the personification of a bear. But not a

They usually have less hair than women. I know quite a few women who take much of their time cleaning their hair, especially if they've been sweating! Plus shaving their legs. Men typically wash and run.

Ugh lucky. I want to work at one of those magical places that has a gym (and, when I have kids, day care). I'd probably have to work at Google to do that, but first I'd have to learn how to use computers for something besides the internet. Darn.

Okay, question: How do you work out during your lunch break? Do you take a shower? Do you sweat? I know guys who go to the gym during lunch, but seriously, their showers take two seconds. How does a girl do that?

All I can think of from this article is Melisandre, who wears red and wants a king's baby in her.

I read the article at BuzzFeed and it is the truth about watching an episode of Hoarders as inspiration. The show nauseates me so much that I turn it off and go into a cleaning frenzy. And when I say it nauseates me, that's not figurative...

I got a lot of hate on Jez for suggesting that Kim was playing it smart by gaining the weight and then getting all the bad press she was getting for her size, and that she would be signing a weight loss deal. I'm happy to say that I was right. Well, I will be when if she signs this deal.

I'm totally okay with nudie mags, as long as there are both male and female (and neutral) mags available.