
Actually it's a quote from Laurel Thatcher Ulrich in an article that she wrote.

I love that she published this, but one sentence frightens me: "If I could go back in time, I definitely wouldn't have done it [the experiment]." Well-behaved women seldom make history. Her accusations bring up a much needed dialogue about "zero-tolerance" policies and she will become a stronger person in the

Doug, are you British?

Smoothies are awesome and delicious. "Juices," as described above, are not.

Here is a revolutionary idea: Just eat the vegetables that go into the juice instead of drinking them. It gives you more nutrients (fiber!!!), and it'll make you feel more full. Plus whole vegetables don't taste nasty.

I didn't realize monogamy needed saving. It still seems pretty popular to me.

She looks absolutely fabulous. And the swimsuit looks amazing on her. Okay, now that I've made this annotation, I should read the article.

True! But I think I have more fun running around saying, "Here try some SKYR!!!!" (as the name sounds so Viking!) than actually eating it :/

Actually, skyr is technically cheese, not yogurt. I don't know why, but it is.

I'm the opposite. I lost 30lbs and went from a 34D to a 32DD. I was extremely surprised. I was seriously concerned I was going to lose mine, but they stayed the same size—the rest of me just shrunk.

Ewwww Lars von Trier. Ugh. Dogma 95 is like the biggest joke of a film "movement" ever. I use the term "movement" loosely.

You are correct when you say that it is a privilege that my parents helped. You seem to forget, however, that scholarships ARE earned through essays and grades and contests and interviews—they weren't just automatically given to me as your post implies. I wouldn't consider something that I worked hard for (and was

Agreed. I graduated without debt because I'd scrimped and saved, applied for tons and tons of scholarships, and worked quite a few jobs in college. Yes, my parents helped—I'm not denying that—but they could not afford the tuition, and if I really wanted to go to my dream school, then I had to earn it myself, either

That's a good idea! I think Jiff also creates a "chocolate hazelnut spread," so it totally works! I've never had the alternative type, though. I'm a purist.

Lindy, the snarkiness in this article is amazing. I love it.

I would probably only rent to someone on AirBnB if the property I was renting out was a vacation home (if I had one). I'd be too uncomfortable otherwise with people touching my things. How is it possible to make sure that all of your personal things were packed away somewhere safe that could not be accessed? I'd be

At first glance, I thought the photo was of Tilda Swinton.

Don't worry, I'm not mistaken about that! It's just they've decided to use a term that feels so...temporary, and almost like it's not his fault? I'm basically saying that why can't they say the same for women? When the tabloids showing women who are overweight/obese, they frequently like to show them eating to make

One headline on the Yahoo homepage is calling him "bloated." I don't understand how they decide to call men "bloated" but women fat, euphemistically curvy (not that there's anything wrong with calling a woman curvy, but the internet likes to use it as fat shaming), overweight, etc. "Bloated" connotes temporariness and

I think you missed the point of the article. She didn't stop eating the expensive cheese.