
I'm doing the same. Although the comments are a bit lacking right now. Where's the blood?

Hahaha..."everybody play nice." This is the internet.

Agreed. If she were actually having money problems, she would've forgone the au pair altogether and figured out a schedule so that she and her husband could take care of the children without help or perhaps do some sort of babysitting exchange. The husband would also have gotten rid of the fancy cheese.

I don't understand why there aren't laws or ordinances or zoning regulations in place to stop something like this from happening. Doesn't everybody know that these safe havens are needed? The local government should put a stop to this.

I honestly don't know—this was a few years ago. My friend lives in Santa Monica, but I'm positive we didn't go to a bar near him.

I agree. That's what I was expecting, honestly. And I don't stay out until 4am anymore—those were my college days! Not that it was that long ago, but...I agree about being sleepy by midnight these days. I'm only able to stay out that late every few months now instead of every weekend.

I'm originally from LA, so that must be from where I get my vapidness. It was a bit of a shock to see how much it had changed in the nine years I've been gone.

I visited a friend in LA for his birthday. We went to a bar, and things just went from bad to worse. I was dressed as if I were going out in New York (because that's what I'm used to)—a cute dress, a nice blazer, a clutch, and some stilettos.

I should also add that I'm 23.

Last summer, I lost 30lbs and have kept it off. However, those last 3lbs are being very stubborn. I've maintained my diet level calories since then, following the Lose It! app, and I didn't really exercise during the winter, but neither have I lost weight during the winter; I've only maintained my weight. My preferred

Mary seriously looks like Blair Waldorf with the hair, dress, and headband. I guess they're taking the royalty storyline of Gossip Girl to the next level.

I think you mean this?

She did not die at 25. Where did you read that?

I didn't know Lifehacker University was located at Columbia!

Sorry, I should have mentioned I'm an only child—there was no one at home to take care of. I definitely understand not being able to keep a house clean with a toddler :)

One time when my father came to visit me at college, he was very, very upset with me for not everything being perfectly clean when he came to visit. Keep in mind that I lived in the dorms in a building 100 years old in dorms that hadn't been renovated since the 80's, probably. The linoleum floor was cracked every

OP didn't say "below your means," as you discuss in your reply, OP said "below your needs." Needs and means are two very different things. "Below your needs" is penny-pinching to the extreme, and a person will go crazy if they have absolutely no outlet for fun. Some small amount of fun (even if it's just spending a

motherI mentioned this just the other day, but my mother is a stuntwoman. She taught me how to get hit by a car. "The car does not hit you. You hit the car." You're supposed to jump up onto the car rather than letting it hit you.

This is my mother's literal nightmare come to life. She also maintains that Mary Kate and Ashley are the physical embodiment of said trolls.

Yes. Very, very much so. I used to pride myself on how little I knew of the Kardashians. I remember the blissful time I knew of Kim but I didn't even know what she was famous for. Or that she had a TV show.