
Though it wasn't multiple deaf/hard-of-hearing characters, The West Wing had Joey Lucas! Wasn't that groundbreaking?

No the one with the ankle monitor is Kourtney.

Why does she have an ankle monitor? Did she get arrested for something? I don't recall any of the sisters getting arrested. Perhaps it's a pedometer?

Mr. Shinada has a wild bunny in his backyard that he named Harold. I love that bunny so much, but Mr. Shinada has made me promise to never try to capture him and pet him and feed him all the time and love him because GAH he's such a cute bunny!! Also, Harold might be a girl, but I've never gotten close enough to

I totally read that as "Researchers at Australia's University of NSFW," so I was like, WELL PLAYED, AUSTRALIA. But then I realized I read it incorrectly.

There's more than one definition of "muesli," though they're definitely related. As someone who has lived in Germany (and in multiple regions there), sure, it's not the only word for cereal, but it's an acceptable use.

"Muesli" means cereal in German.

My mother is a stuntwoman who has done many car stunts, and has promised to rent a car and take me to learn many of the moves described above. The first stunt she taught me when I was little as a survival technique was, "The car does not hit you. You hit the car." What is dangerous about getting hit by a car is it

I used to want to be a trophy wife. Seriously. It's because I'd have a wealthy husband to pay for everything, I wouldn't have to cook or clean, and I could do whatever the hell I wanted—any passion, any hobby, I could travel the world. I'd only have to put out every once in a while. And look pretty. But hopefully both

When the SO and I move in together, we're definitely having separate bedrooms, including after we get married. He originally wanted it because we essentially have opposite schedules and we know we both want our own personal space where we can retreat if needed, and I agreed, though when he first proposed the idea he

This is my favorite breed and Mr. Shinada has been promising me a puppy FOR YEARS. He wants to get a big dog first, like a Tamaskan, though we'll definitely go to a shelter to get a dog and we'll be happy with what we find. BUT, after the big dog, we're getting a King Charles, whether he likes it or not. He's not all

I've heard this story of the gum passing from multiple sources today. I find it incredulous that this is actually a thing. And it makes me sad that it is.

I'm not a technologically-inclined person (I have basic computing skills), but I definitely prefer Windows, because I can crash a Windows computer and fix it. Mac, on the other hand, I can crash and I can't fix it.

Considering I coupon while I watch TV, I don't feel like I'm wasting time at all, because I'd still be watching that hour of television without clipping coupons at the same time. Clipping coupons without watching TV would be mind-numbingly boring. I shop once each week, and I use coupons to stock up on stuff I'd buy

This isn't uncommon at all and so I'm not surprised to see SVU doing it. I used to find stories for ABC's three soaps. I'd pull them from news sources and then upload them to databases for the writers to choose from. The writers would mirror real life events in the shows. When a show has been on the air for so long,

I am afraid of so many thing about pregnancy—the least of which is my weight (which is a big issue with me, don't get me wrong, but there is so much more that I'm even more afraid of). One is ppd—my grandmother had a severely bad case of it that ended in her eath; the second is dying in childbirth; and the third is

Also they'll lose a significant source of tax revenue AND the hookah bars won't have as much business (especially in the East Village/LES, where they definitely cater to the NYU crowd, unfortunately—and by unfortunately, I mean it's really annoying to have all the college kids there) (God I sound old).

I believe in freedom as much as the next guy, so I have a couple of gripes about this