
I work in TV, where people's rates are both public knowledge and closely kept secrets.

K-Mart. I understand that they don't have quality stuff, but this is a good screwdriver for the girl who doesn't that much screwing.

It's okay, really :) I understand how hard this week has been for all of us individually and as a country. It's really easy to vent frustration on the internet due to anonymity, and, frankly, it is a good way to vent because on a forum like Jezebel, you can't really hurt anybody—us ladies have pretty thick skin! Stay

No I'm going to marry David Tennant. I don't care if he's already married!

People are allowed to care about what they care about. Just because the issues you listed are not on my priorities for the week, doesn't make it any less important. You have your preferred issues, I have mine. But my feelings shouldn't be denigrated because I care about what's happening to my country with bombings and

I propose a new Jezzie feature! Since we are now able to annotate photos, there should be a weekly column like the tabloids one where you upload a catalogue and we comment on the outfits—what we love and hate, emerging trends we're seeing, etc (no body shaming! That's not allowed!). It would be a fun forum! The

No new Scandal? No! Seriously, like I was okay and now I feel a couple of tears at the edge of my eyes. This week is the Worst.

I'm not a fan of cursing, but: I FUCKING GIVE UP, HUMANITY. You know what? I was trying to care. Seriously. But people keep getting raped and killed and there is slut shaming and slut blaming and mansplaining and cultural appropriation and blackface and racism and I'm just SICK OF IT ALL. If this is really all a

My hallmates and I had SO MANY jokes about Franzia our freshman year mostly involving speculation of what our professor did when he wasn't teaching. We were in a program where you lived with the students that you took one required class during your first year, so we all had the same professor. He was something of an

I hate running. It's the Worst. I compromise with myself and do something called the Dual Arc Trainer (it's like a more intense version of an elliptical). It does get easier, less painful. You will notice the difference if you go on a hike or whatever (Mr. Shinada dragged me on a FOUR HOUR HIKE for our anniversary.

I don't look at them as people. I look at them as animated hangers that demonstrate how the clothes hang and move.

In hundreds or thousands of years from now, when a new race has taken over, they will be studying this century, and they will see what we have done to our bodies. The way we look at ancient mutilations for the cause of beauty (foot binding, anyone?) will be how they look at us for our constant tattooing of skin and

I love all carbs. Every. Single. One. I've lost over thirty pounds, and people were like, oh, if you cut the carbs, you'll lose it so much faster. And I was like, "If you suggest I cut the carbs, I'll cut you." No, but seriously, I can cut out a lot of the junk, but carbs and cheese? Not happening.

STRAWBERRY-RHUBARB?!?! Um... YES. That's my favorite! In Georgia my mother would buy preserves from a Mennonite community and I would eat the entire jar without putting it on toast. Absolutely delicious.


My workplace is right around the corner from Melissa's, so we order it all the time for work stuff and I have to say that I HATE MELISSA'S. The first ten times it was good, but I've had ENOUGH. Instead of Baked by Melissa, it's DEATH BY MELISSA. I'm so sick of those cupcakes. I've never had Crumbs, but I've had

Yes I understand that, but the issue in America with blackface is due to its use as worn by white actors playing stereotypical, racist, and demeaning portrayals of slaves and other African-Americans (like in Birth of a Nation). Was it used the same way in the Netherlands? Or was the use of blackface an appropriation

That little cutie looks like he's just been caught red-pawed!

Beets are yuck. Mr. Shinada is Polish and beets, along with pork (which I don't eat either), are like their main food group. He eats beets like they're going out of style. They taste like dirt to me. And I mean actual dirt. If I ate dirt, I wouldn't be able to distinguish the taste from beets.

I know I'm going to get a bunch of people to disagree with me, but I do not think this is such a big deal as you make of it since it's the Netherlands. Do they have the same issues of blackface in their country? The same very negative connotations? From my very limited research, it looks like blackface isn't frowned