
I agree! I'm not particularly fond of kale, but it's pretty easy to hide it. My favorite smoothie (which I guess is really just a shake) fat free plain Greek yogurt, with a banana, frozen unsweetened strawberries, wheatgerm, and flax seed. It makes a GREAT after-work out drink because it has lots of protein and

No, it doesn't take the nutrients out if you BLEND it, only if you JUICE it. By juicing a cucumber, you are throwing out SO MUCH of the vegetable that contains all the fiber. People who juice make me really mad about how much food they're wasting and many of them have this "righteous than thou" personality. If they at

You know what? Since I have large breasts, I'm going to sit there with my arms wide to make way for the twins because keeping my arms at my sides or in front of me squishes them and that's uncomfortable. Let's see how quickly someone will ask me to lower my arms.


Deanna, is that you?

Honestly, all I see are the hamburgers. And now I want to eat the hamburgers. ALL THE HAMBURGERS.

So I read something about how the "thigh gap" is becoming a big measure of skinniness. Is it just me, or has Beyonce been positioning her poses in such a way that show her as having a thigh gap? Don't get me wrong—I think she's beautiful and has no need to accentuate anything or prove her skinniness—but she seems to

This article that it doesn't make that much sense. Sometimes fate does just happen. I had happily resigned myself to a life of singledom when I randomly met Mr. Shinada. I was VERY happy being single, and then I met him, and we just knew we were meant to be together. I was not scared nor "fucking

Before sleeping, I'll take Advil and water (if I can keep it down!) and then keep a gallon of water next to the bed so that as I wake up through the night I'll keep drinking it and the headache will be much less the next day. In the morning when I feel so sick that I think I'm going to die, and when the smell of food

I have to wonder what awful things happened to people like her that make them hate sex so much. I mean, she's probably married, right? So why does she hate sex so much? It makes me think that her sex life isn't all that fulfilling if she thinks no one outside of marriage OR for any other reason than making a baby

I have the most amazing screwdriver: The tips are interchangeable, but I don't have to find them and install. They're already in the screwdriver and I just have to turn the handle to the right one, press it closed, and up it pops. No muss, no fuss.

I need this. Like, yesterday. LITERALLY. I was harassed yesterday by two men on the way to work because, you know, I wasn't wearing a turtleneck because it was beautiful in NYC. One was a FedEx guy in front of my office, the other some street maintenance guys in front of my apartment. Before I even had my coffee!

I would like to know people's opinions on non-ADD/ADHD people taking Adderall/Ritalin.

On the lead picture, why is there an Arsenal shirt there? Arsenal isn't a brand. It's a football club. Okay, so I guess that's TECHNICALLY a brand, but not in the same way as Gucci. Somehow I don't think people are falling all over themselves for counterfeit Arsenal kits as they are for Gucci bags nor do I believe

Does anybody know of a place I can buy this? I'm terribly not handy with building things, but I'm moving to a new apartment where this would be great on a sliding door closet (I could put it on the one that slides in front).

She sounds like The Worst. Being single is the best (and that's coming from someone who is in an extremely happy and committed relationship!).

Thank you for taking the time to do this! So, to preface this question, please know that I do not mean any offense and this is something I truly want your opinion on.

Whatever you want to believe, but I can guarantee that the no-name tributes don't make it that far...

Wow this sounds great for all those women in heels having to walk in painful shoes and making sure that they don't break a heel while concentrating on the content of the meeting instead of concentrating on, oh, I don't know, walking on a grate. This is especially a good idea in NYC where I can barely hear myself think

Long live Roger Ebert.