
I don't believe in the draft at all. If I had the chance of being drafted, I would leave this country. Same if I were a man. I'm a huge scaredy cat. I realize this is dishonorable and I don't care what others would think. I'd rather go to jail than be dead.

Last night's Oscars didn't hold many surprises?! What have you been smoking?!

While I agree with the premise of the article, and I DEFINITELY agree that Kerry Washington deserves more recognition for her role (I LOVE SCANDAL. OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH) Davis pointing out Jennifer Lawrence for comparison is a bad example. Not only is Lawrence part of two big franchises (Hunger Games and X-Men), but

Personal story: When I guy I knew was forcing himself on me, after I repeatedly said no, I decided to play dead. He kept trying to initiate something for another five minutes, but he then backed away. I really believe if I had kept actively resisting, things would have gotten a lot worse.

I guess vomit-training through bulimia actually IS useful!

It's so much easier to get dressed when you're a guy. Do you want to wear the white collared shirt or the white collared shirt with these pants? It takes me at least 30min to get ready in the morning if I've prepared everything the night before—45min if I haven't laid out the outfit. The boyfriend? 5 minutes.

You're wrong—the right type of shampoo and conditioner DOES work miracles. For me: Yes, yes, and yes it definitely matters what type of shampoo and conditioner I use. I have super curly hair that can easily get frizzy—I'm a Devachan devotee. $40 for 32oz. No sulfates, period. I used to use regular shampoo and

Agreed. My bf is color blind and before he buys any new clothing, he and I have to go over his entire wardrobe together so he's sure that it matches something he already owns. Additionally, if we're going to an event, we plan the outfit together so that he know he's not going to look like he got dressed in the dark.

The bf and I aren't married (nor do we leave together), and we've been together over a year and a half. He made me a promise ring at six months. We know we are going to get married. I know he's going to propose. I know we're going to have kids together. It's a foregone conclusion. He knew the moment he met me that we

Ha. He has two of them. But they're both married. Sorry!

When the bf and I first began dating, he fashioned a pure silver promise ring for me WITH HIS BARE HANDS. He then gave it to me by writing an actual treasure hunt full of clues that couldn't be read unless I shined the sonic screw driver on them that he'd given me as a Christmas present.

I'm a beginner couponer, and it's really great to see how much money you save at the end of a trip. I only buy things that I use (as I promised the bf I would NOT become crazy), though it does make it easier to file everything into a binder, and that way he can go through it and decide what he wants to get. I've only

Thanks, Lifehacker, for giving me an even better excuse to being in bed all the time!

Or never buy sour cream and replace with Greek yogurt. The bf uses it on tacos and we use it to make traditionally sour cream-based dips. I've also heard it used to stretch guacamole further.

Ugh this is so true at CU/BC. I frequently would exclaim while I was a student there that all the men seemed to be gay or taken (or both!). I remember during an orientation assembly the speaker mentioned that the entire CU undergrad population—all four schools—was 65% FEMALE. That's the male-dominated SEAS (though

Right. Because it's often that CU/BC students leave Butler long enough to venture beyond Morningside Heights.

I only go to bed at night in order to wake up in the morning to have breakfast. I LOVE BREAKFAST!! Favorite meal of the day!

It STARTS at 20%? No, and not even the great Emily Post agrees with you. 15% if it's normal, 20% if it's great, and, my personal preferences: 25% if it's stellar and 10% if it's shitty.

That doesn't make sense—the price of the food automatically inflates over time, which means the tips would comparably rise.

For a sleeping aid, I take one melatonin. It puts me to sleep faster than the bf is able to, so I'm asleep before he starts snoring. I don't see the need to get anything else than the melatonin, and dose for dose, I bet it's cheaper than other OTC sleeping aids.