
I agree with this post, and I don't agree with this post. I tip according to the be-all and end-all of etiquette rules, Emily Post. I go outside of her range (15-20% pre-tax) for one of two reasons: amazing service (then I tip 25%) and awful service (10%). It takes a LOT for what I consider bad service worthy of

The Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver.

I apologize so much that I have been known to yell out sorry about a bajillion times while in the process of killing a cockroach. I feel so bad about it, but it doesn't stop me from doing the deed. And same with ants.

Doctor Who, Veronica Mars, 30 Rock, Community.

I'm still raw from the end of 30 Rock, and now you have to bring up VERONICA MARS?! The holiest of holies? The best TV show that ever was and ever will be? I'm now thricely sad! Thanks, Dodai.

If mannequins are arousing to men, then I guess they shouldn't play Pictionary or Boggle or ANYTHING that uses an hourglass as a timer, because, you know, the hourglass is being all sexy looking like the outline of a woman's body.

I refuse to go to concentration camps, let alone take pictures of them. I lived in Germany and on the way to school my mother would always drive by a sign that pointed toward Dachau, and I'm heading to Poland this summer and my dad asked if I'm going to visit a concentration camp, saying that it would be the right

And the photo didn't upload. I'm terrible at technology.

GUYS. Kate Flannery looks like the Little Mermaid [SPOILER ALERT] when she comes out of the water with legs at the end of the movie, just old[er].


I'm not engaged but I am "planning" a wedding (i.e., I have a Pinterest to collect ideas when I see them). This Pinterest and planning came in handy. About eight months ago, the bf told me what he wanted in a wedding (winter, with snow, by a lake, in the middle of nowhere), which is why I started the Pinterest on the

I agree, they are beautiful...but in that first photo, we can see at least one of the model's nipples. That makes the fashion less appealing. If only it had flesh-colored fabric or something underneath so that I could wear this in public.

The whole time I read this I was clenching my thighs together and making these weird twitches at work. This sounds like actual hell.



Though baby sloths are adorable, that gif actually looks like something from a nightmare, because that arm hook thingy comes out first and it makes me think something scary is going to come out of the tub and ahhh I can't keep watching this gif.

I agree. I remember when I was that age I wanted to take baths/showers with my parents, but they wouldn't let me, and I didn't understand why until I learned of the negative views of nudity when I was probably like 8 or 10.