You’ve got to check out The Omega Man which was great (albeit flawed).
You’ve got to check out The Omega Man which was great (albeit flawed).
Let’s talk for a moment about how fucking amazing Susan’s apartment was. Decadence at it’s most sterile, finest.
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
Can we focus on her use of “#paloalto” for just a moment. Like, is this supposed to be indicative of the valley that they have robots patrolling the mall? That their parents are just as annoying as everyone else. That we need a hashtag to denote a location? I think we all know Twitter has made us collectively dumber,…
I believe we all are.
I’ll add it is somewhat curious that legitimate criticism is typically grey and racist trolls or morons like above will get their comments in. Though people tend to get too worked up over the internet.
I don’t disagree that he was whining to whine. But this is the type of response to pretty much anyone questioning the sites anywhere.
I’ve never really understood this response. Are we not supposed to criticize the site/writers? Are we all supposed to be blind sycophants?
Amazon and Prime Day Deals are the wurstest guys. But, umm, hey, if you’re buying can you pretty please use our referral links to buy it.
The Wonder Woman movie is destined to be terrible. How does Snyder keep getting gigs?
Well, presuming you think you are smarter than those chasing you: to taunt.
So, I’ve been mulling this over since early this morning and can think there is a good story in a serial killer using the Pokemon locations as body dumps.
That plays mostly into it, but his last paragraph is really the only reason I even weighed in. He’s basically stating if someone said they didn’t like it he can’t muster a “really?” Which sort of speaks to the “mixed” nature the review comes off as. Highly enjoyable but bad movies exist, most modern horror movies fall…
I can only hope! Wouldn’t it be boring as hell if we all enjoyed the same things? By all means make fun of me for this, but I saw the first Avengers in theaters and actually fell asleep during the second act. And then watching it again through Red Box and fell asleep. don’t know why I can’t get into it.
I’d argue that most of the Marvel movies are trite shit, but they just don’t play to my sensibilities.
“And there are definitely flaws. In the next few weeks when someone says they don’t like Ghostbusters, I won’t fight it. I get it. But for me, it comes down to this. Ghostbusters is funny.Ghostbusters is exciting. Ghostbustersmay not have a great story or villain, but takes a pile of proton packs, ectoplasm, and…
You want to be a pedant, sure. If you really want to go down that path he also calls the characterizations as lacking, the story thin and the villain essentially a placeholder. It’s this sort of hedging that led to people saying things.
That feels more like a projection though. Given the negative feedback to the whole thing to begin with we want to assume ulterior motives.
Well, it is hardly a glowing positive review and a lot of his lines lean toward the meh.