
“Oh hey look! A bed! Let’s shit in it!!!”

It’s a lock that in 48 hours or less, Trump will insist “Actually, I took that photo, which, by the way, is a great photo, right folks?”

RIP Ivica Zubac: 03/18/1997 - 04/10/2018

That’s a Birdie......wait......Tiger doesn’t hit those anymore, nevermind

Those of us who consume media almost always seek pure entertainment. This guy is entertaining, period. Why is this so hard for the detractors to understand? People watch this channel for the same reason you watch your dumbass shows, it is entertaining.

Kevin, you’re a monster.

Kevin, you’re a monster.

Meryl Streep wins actress, Daniel Day-Lewis wins actor, and Patriots win Super Bowl. I’d bet $5 on these predictions.

Incubus’ “A Certain Shade of Green” acoustic version is far superior to the original, this is objective fact.

I know most of us are numb to fuckery like this by now, but my god. This fella needs to fall into a punji pit. Take your new bff with you, toodles!

Things like this are missing from major American sports, and its a damn shame because this is excellent

Matt Cassell isn’t even verified on Twitter, heh

I see this photo and all my brain can do is output the word “Skoal.”

“There’s nothing wrong with what’s going on here, nothing has to change.”

may this never,ever end

Cheers, Josh. Oh....nevermind...

step on a Lego you piece of shit

Joe Fuckit is poised to enjoy the next couple of weeks on the bench playing Candy Crush, where he belongs

this makes it clear that not only is he a shit person, he’s also an absolute idiot to not realize he’s under the microscope and should be trying extra hard not to be his shit self

point taken...but this finger waving individual leaves his driver’s license at home and assumes an alter ego. “Bruce” remains the default name for a traveling meat salesman