
a good pumpkin thief

Sloppy Joe

send this guy to the fucking gulag

amazing +1

What an asshole horse he is to take these drugs, you’d think he knew better...

It sounds to me like she said “Come back,” and he took it a bit too literally.

I fucking hate this guy

Oh boy, what did the Orioles get themselves into this ti.........wait, nevermind.

a good squirrel


was that the cleanest baseball cap catch of all time?

One of the refs called him Fredo

From 1:10 to 1:15 of the video actually looks like CGI, incredible.

No question, instead a comment: the soccer matches were very good this week.

That’s oblique response from Boone...

watching the thumbnails under “Related Videos,” it is mesmerizing to watch the phase shift of Francesa’s head snapping up in each of the three

I can’t understand how Lamar, on the 2nd rush TD, caught so much speed at the 6 yard line after that jump. He went from airborne to full sprint instantly, I’ve never seen anything like that before, even by a RB.

Can all of the big title releases stop being butt, please? The big studios are shitting the bed in fantastic fashion of late, in my opinion.

Feels so bad, New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time, Fallout 4 was quite a letdown, and now 76, which is such a far cry from what made this franchise so enjoyable, for me at least.  Here’s hoping the next iteration swings back in the right direction.

I kinda hope this guy’s dick falls off.