Sticky Little Fingers

My ovaries got sluggish after a partial hysterectomy, so I'm on HRT and I'm under 40. Risk or no risk, you can pry my hormones from my cold, dead hands.

I can't stand Tom Hanks. I find him offensively inoffensive and it... I dunno, it just bothers me.

Led Zeppelin brings back all the unpleasantness of high school (graduated 1984) and the kids who thought old crappy rock was still cool. Don't even get me started on Lynyrd Skynyrd's Free Bird! LZ may be solely responsible for me turning into a teen punk-rocker.

I am a Ukrainian woman, and I don't know a single submissive one, myself included.

Did you read the comments by the guy who said women want 32E breasts and that instead of getting breast reductions we should tone our core? FFS


I Know a guy whose ex fiancé took the lids to everything in the house when he kicked her out. The lids to the pots and pans. The lids to every storage container. The toilet lid. Just the lids. I love it, the girl must have been a real winner.

I come from a family of smokers and I can tell you that being scared of his wife would not be nearly enough motivation to quit smoking. Obviously there were multiple factors going on here.

The only articles about state fair food that should be written are angry screeds about the rise of the funnel cake at the expense of the more traditional fried bread dough.

RICH BITCH HERE - My parents are also Baby Boomers who worked hard and made a lot of money. They also demanded that they pay for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. Before graduate school, feeling like I had been given enough, I told them that I wanted to pay for it myself, and they told me they had the money


She is KILLING it in this dress! So pretty!

Damn, Morena Baccarin. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous!

hahahaha... sadly, yeah. that would be comedy! they should wear berets n stuff, too.

I am that tall and pretty much all of my dress shoes, sandals, and boots incorporate 3-4" stacked heels whenever possible. I fuckin' love looming. I like to play a little game with myself: "Am I the tallest person on this elevator? I AM! Am I the tallest person in this room? I AM! Am I the tallest person in

Too bad this letter isn't being received well because people be crayzay with they eating. Oh my god. Microwaving fish in the office kitchen should be punishable by death. And if you can't chew with your mouth closed, you should go home and practice until you can. My god.

Free daycare, too.

Because outlawing abortion has very little to do with protecting women. It has everything to do with punishing women who have sex. They don't care if women, especially poor, minority, or otherwise disenfranchised women, die.