Sticky Little Fingers

Tushy makes one for $30 that doesn’t need charging. It’s great!

Tushy makes one for $30 that doesn’t need charging. It’s great!

In the past 24 hours, FoxNews has posted 16 articles attacking AOC on this and calling her a liar ... including “opinion” pieces by Rep Crenshaw (eye-patch guy), Brandon Judd, Greg Gutfeld and Rush Limbaugh

Horrible. Filthy, clunking, belching, uncomfortable shitboxes.

Trabants could run on pretty much anything (cooking oil, vodka, diesel).  Assuming the same for Ladas too.

In the mid-eighties, Gorbachev tried to reduce Russia’s rampant alcoholism by restricting vodka sales.  The whole country turned to making bathtub vodka, so they put restrictions on the sale of sugar

Dye them yourself!

Far as I know, no one actually died in the elevators either. I know a bunch of people who were in the elevators when the plane hit. Some were injured, but they survived.

The poverty diet was the best! I could eat ANYTHING I wanted, but I only had $2 a day for food and transportation.

Whoever is in charge of her wardrobe totally hit it out of the park for the debates and this event. They definitely figured out which colors are her best. The white and the hot pink were both wonderful on her.

My 4th Grade teacher hated my guts and was horrible to me the entire year (she hated my saintly older sister too; I think it was because we were Jewish since everyone loved my sister).

I spent years planning to grow up to become the world’s best heart surgeon so that one day, she could come to me desperate and I could

You know what? I don’t give a shit that it cost a fortune. The joint is beautiful and it is a delight to walk through and is an honor to the people who died that day just because they got up and went to work on a sunny Tuesday morning.

Just for the sake of wondering, why was there no David Bowie tribute at the Billboards too?

Sigh. One of the interesting things about how the Trade Center was built is that it was stuctured like a donut — the outside wasn’t just clad in glass for show, it actually had the main structural posts with the glass in between. The inside section with the elevators and the bathrooms was the rest of the structure.

Uh, you realize that by driving, you are significantly more dependent upon government for your ride to work, right? The roads, lights, subsidies for car manufacturers and oil companies, safety and licensing regulations and enforcement, environmental cleanup from problems and on and on and on.

Oh, FFS. I’m GenX. They said that we weren’t worth hiring because we were a bunch of lazy slackers with no sense of responsibility only looking to dodge out and watch TV and smoke cigarettes. They said we were over-educated and all thought that we were entitled to interesting work and that entry level was below our

Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen. That’s the main thing - the rest isn’t that important (though Retinol does seem to help a bit).

My sister and I loved embarrassing my nieces in Hollister and Abercrombie. She would complain non-stop about how dark it was (and bang into stuff constantly), and I would very loudly complain about how awful the music was and repeatedly ask why it stank so much in there.

Why have yucky weird gummies when you could have these bits of joy and happiness??? Dark chocolate covered espresso. Sublime.

All of their makeup is absolutely terrible. The girls look dirty with all that weird wrong-color overdone contouring.