Sticky Little Fingers

Sorry (not sorry), after riding the NYC trains after 5 years, I hate 99% of subway performers/panhandlers.

But you can't demonize what you, yourself, do, can you? I mean, where's the fun in that?

Of course, there's no way to measure this, but I wonder how many of the "friends of color" actually KNOW they're some white person's super special pal. "What? Ben R. says I'm his friend? What the hell, we worked together in the campus coffeeshop eight years ago. Then he sent me one Christmas card, right after

Mechanical pencils, for sure. Have literally spent more time clicking, extending the lead, and pushing it back in to start it all over again than I have actually writing with them.

He should just put a bra on his head and hook up a Barbie to the nearest computer.

Are you adding it to your myfitnesspal?

You guys will still be my friends when I finally commit to dressing like Effie Trinket all the time, right? BECAUSE SHE IS WHAT MY SOUL LOOKS LIKE!

Generally it's a very narrow path that's clogged with slow moving tourists who aren't paying any attention. It's dangerous and an exercise in frustration.

Well I suppose the quick answer to that is everyone's different; some like to live in rural areas, some like to live in cities.

Beyonce, no one in their right mind bikes the Brooklyn Bridge.

Feet gross me out so bad.

I think what we really need is a cultural shift that values the fact that you can have children in your life without having one of your own. We need to embrace that whole "it takes a village" mentality to highlight the importance of aunts and uncles, neighbors, troop leaders, etc. As someone who doesn't intend on

Damn it, Bravo! I was really looking forward to watching her in Orange Is the New Leopard.

Fuck me in the ear. No wait, don't. That causes premature aging of the lobes.

Ok, that might be the ONE exception, but cabbage works even better in my experience! Also, cilantro tastes like soap, blech!

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh is not impressed with Mr Limbaugh's suggestion that Muslim women have no power.

A little advice? Don't ever have children. You will hate those little fuckers.

I'm glad to see that they went with Frosted Strawberry and not that abomination that calls itself S'Mores.

Re: Heidi Klum and her mom....I feel like I get it. If I was Heidi's age and I looked as good as Heidi does and I was hanging out on the beach with my mom being rich and (probably) getting drunk, I would be all, "MOM! Look how fucking great I look! Take my picture. Can you believe how fucking good I look? Wait!

Theory: Huma Abedin doesn't give any fucks about the opinions of random journalists and bloggers making theories about her, her marriage, or her plans in life.