Sticky Little Fingers

Somewhat in her defense ... the rugs must be antique and high quality. She likely thought she was calling ABC Carpet (super high end, very very reputable carpet store) and they convinced her that this is what it cost. Not knowing, and trusting that this was ABC, she said OK.

I will admit that I’ve had some terrible hair days and kinda thought that the veil might not be such a bad thing.

This is a US thing. In the middle east, a much higher percentage of women go into STEM fields. So, it is something about the US system and not something specific to women in general.

Since you posted this, I’ve been on the hunt and cannot find it anywhere! Where did you buy it?

She wont’ do it, but it would be super amazing awesome if Susan Sarandan would play Magenta.

Ha! Thank you for noting the urine effect. That was my first question!

If you run on a trail shared by cyclists, DEFINITELY do this - get LOTS of reflective stuff, and wear something WHITE. So many times, I’ve been riding along at night and all of a sudden notice I’m about 6” from hitting a runner with dark hair, wearing all black, with headphones so they don’t hear me coming, in the

Asparagus schnapps? Someone really makes asparagus schnapps? I am horrified, yet intrigued.

No no no no. My whole family LOVES black licorice and we LOVE salty things. Salted black licorice tastes like old swamp, and not in any kind of good way. It fills your whole head with the taste of rot and death and nightmares and awfulness.

Me as well. In 2000, I kicked the all time great love of my life out because of his drinking. He died in 2004. I miss him every day, but I do not regret throwing him out.

I never put milk on cereal, because that makes wet soggy and is repulsive.

Oh, man, my brother-in-law does this too. Basically, he feels he can say the grossest racist stuff because he had a black roommate for a short time in college (in the late 70s). I always try to challenge him and say, “let’s get that dude on the phone and you can tell him that joke”, but he thinks I am joking and just

Mass has some of the best town names ... my favorite will always be Athol. I don’t care that it is supposedly pronounced AT-hole, I will always think of it as Asshole Mass (said with a lisp). It’s right next to Belchertown.

When my nieces were about 8, one of their friends asked me what she should call me. I said “Oh, my name is Sticky”. Kid said, “Yes, but what should I call you?”. I had absolutely no idea that she was actually trying to find out my last name so she could call me “Miss Fingers” and we had a really odd conversation that

My first ma’am was when I was in my late twenties. I was walking down 8th Street and a baby punk sitting on the sidewalk asked me for spare change and called me ma’am. I pretty much started to cry and was upset for weeks.

Try a fruity Sauvingon Blanc. Lightly sweet, lovely fruit flavor, very accessible wine for non-wine drinkers. Reisling can also be lovely.

For about $10, you can get a truly lovely and refreshing Lambrusco. I totally recommend.

Someone named Nick cannot be a bigot!

Honestly, since they were Jews, they would allow the surgery. Jews put the life and health of the mother above the fetus and believe sex is an important part of a marriage.

Candy corn is an odd thing. I eat it and I am completely repulsed by the waxy overly sweet horridness of it all. Yet, once I start, I am unable to stop shoving them in my mouth (well, eating them one-by-one and carefully biting off color-by-color) until I feel ill. Not sure why they are so compelling.