Sticky Little Fingers

OMG, this drives me apeshit.

Serving alcohol is part of the job duties. It isn’t reasonable to force the other flight attendants to do her job for her, and it isn’t reasonable to not sell liquor to those who want it.

I just don’t understand her shirt game. In every photo I’ve seen of her, she is always wearing two shirts at once. Doesn’t this make a lot of needless laundry? I get that the underneath shirt is always long-sleeved and high-necked for modesty, but if you have that already, why put another one on top? And, it’s summer

I remember the 70s the first time they happened. In fact, I think I have that orange suede button up skirt - my mom bought it in about 1973. I also have a snazzy dark red suede button up skirt with matching fitted jacket. It was a gorgeous suit in 1974 when my grandmother bought it. If I hunt through my dad’s attic, I

The problem isn’t the ugly dress. I actually feel kinda bad for her - -she looks like she feels absolutely repulsive and just wants to be home on the couch but forced herself to get dressed and go out and is sitting there trying desperately not to vomit on national TV. She’s pinched and bloated and her shoulders are

Older gas ovens are made like that - the broiler is under the main oven part, in the little drawer close to the floor. Modern ones have them inside the oven. Every apartment I lived in had that until I bought my own place and replaced the oven 10 years ago.

Kinda Barbarella combined with Wendy O Williams.

It’s not going to be possible to get rid of guns. But, I think there are some basic things that can be done that fall under “well-regulated” ...

He keeps doing this particularly gross incredibly phony bit about how much he LOVES the bible and how it’s his FAVORITE book and it’s EVEN BETTER than his own book

So totally fake. No one’s eyes are that blue ever. There are tons of photos of him online with a whole rainbow of eye colors. He’s clearly a big contact lens fan.

I’m a white girl with nice hair. People say nice things to me about it all the time. However, no stranger has ever touched my hair in this country. The only time a stranger ever touched my hair was in Israel (happened all the time). No stranger has even ASKED to touch my hair here.

I’m old and my slang dates from the 80s, but a fuck buddy was considered someone you were at least somewhat friends with and maybe had some social interaction outside of bed. You’d sleep with your fuck buddy regularly when neither had anything better to do. A more equal partnership, as it were. Low key and lazy and

Same here - an old who referred to pretty, yet kinda dumb boys who were good for a screw but not someone you wanted to spend time with outside of bed. AKA slampiece.

It’s weird, but I am completely horrified by a hair in my food and I really don’t know why. I have long hair, and I find my own hairs in stuff I cook all the time and think nothing of it, but for some reason, I am unable to eat anything once I find some stranger’s hair in there.

OK, so I went to a boarding school a bazillion years ago, so I honestly do not know ... but, is this not also the case in public school? Don’t the senior boys try to bang the freshman girls in public school too?

We had to do our own laundry. That’s where I began my habit of ensuring I always owned at least a semester’s worth of underwear. To this day, I still hate doing laundry.

I mostly agree with you FOR SOME KIDS. I went to boarding school and HATED it and would never send a child there unless they absolutely begged. But, I wasn’t the kind of kid who did well under a regimented, supervised environment, and the whole thing made me feel like a zoo animal. I couldn’t deal with the rules, I

Seriously, boarding school is a lot more like prison than you realize. You are under supervision constantly - when you live at home, you can borrow mom’s car and go out (“to the library”), or your parents go out somewhere (like, to work) and leave you alone in the house. There weren’t parties in people’s houses (duh,

It’s harder in boarding school to have sex than it is when you live with your parents, actually.

Venkat Subra Manian