I guess it worked for me.
I guess it worked for me.
It never makes any sense to me that this is a “woman’s issue”.
I have a three syllable first name and one syllable last name.
My mother’s favorite song for a while was that one by that nice Jewish girl. . You know, “I want some matzoh baby this evening, I want some matzoh baby tonight”
I got the neon pink lip tar and love it — I wear it over matte lipsticks to brighten them up and it looks fantastic, particularly on darker reds and berries. I never wear it alone.
I got the face mask too, and I think I’m allergic to it.
When W ran, we all laughed and laughed. Such a demonstrably stupid man could never be President, we said.
Ha! My sister was a vegetarian for a couple of years when she was in college. Except for BBQ ribs. Because they are too awesome to not eat.
OMG, I thought I was being a bitch for thinking her shoulders were odd. She holds them very high and it kind of messes up the whole line.
Well, far as I can tell from my racist uncle and the links he posts from Mr Conservative and other lovely sites, this is a response to the overrunning PC thing, the “banning” of Dukes of Hazzard and the Confederate flag, the fact that white people aren’t allowed to say the N-word and every other imagined offense…
Eh, the braid is easy. The real test is the ballet class bun. That is some next level shit that takes months to learn.
Golden Retrievers are wonderful dogs, but have no discipline at all whatsoever around food.
Most female fashion models are NOT women. They are children in their mid-teens.
Rape Scenes Aren’t Just Awful. They’re Lazy Writing
Seriously. Jeb! Bush is MARRIED to a Mexican. You’d think he’d have something to say on the topic.
I dunno, actually. I’ve only ever had it in Florida, and they said it was Alabama style.
Ahh, there’s certain sections of Alabama and Florida that make pork ribs with a hot mustard-based sauce and it is sublime.
My whole family, other than me, have the weird asbestos mouth thing.
There’s something so beautiful in a huge crowd singing together.
Uh, not sure why you would think that from my post unless you are the sort of person who comes to NYC and only eats at places with entrees over $75.