Sticky Little Fingers

They also said that the dogs pretty obviously knew that the rescuers were pretending, but the dogs played along too because they knew that it made everyone (dogs and people) feel better.

I'm sure if you don't know anyone who was there, the reading of the names must be very dull and annoying.

A co-worker/friend got married in India and had over 3000 people at her wedding. It was held in a stadium and she says she only knew about 200 of those people.

Pear vodka and tonic is sublime.

On a hot day, try either Pink Grapefruit or Pear Vodka and tonic. Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic and super refreshing on a hot day.

Marshmallow Vodka and Ginger Ale is really very tasty too.

My sister ADORES honey cake, the kind Jews make at Rosh Hashanah. She moved somewhere with no Jews at all and didn't have honey cake for years and years because she couldn't find the mix and can't cook. Someone gave her a box of the mix and she was THRILLED.

I will say this .... there is a terrible disease that seems to strike women who live outside of NYC once they hit about 40 or 45 or so. This disease causes them to cut their hair off (and sometimes frost it, gack), wear very boxy tops and loose pants that end about a foot from their ankle bone. They finish this look

The best thing about that whole family is that I doubt a single one of them gives even the tiniest fuck what anyone else thinks about them. I cannot wait to see the kids as they grow up - every last one of them is cool as hell. Poor Suri Cruise is gonna look like dogmeat next to them.

One day, I was coming out of the subway and right on the stairs was the hugest poop I've ever seen in my life. It wasn't a wide log; instead, it was the longest perfectly curled spiral — just one, perfect, long, unbroken spiral. It would likely be too much poop to fit in my gallon soup pot.

I still cannot understand why angrily shouting "Merry Christmas" at a complete stranger is somehow considered to be Christlike. I am guessing that "Merry Christmas" is not actually considered a sincere wish that the other person should have a joyous holiday; instead, is this some sort of mandatory religious

I am a bunch of people's "white friend". I am a rich smart attractive middle-aged white lady with a snazzy accent earned from years of the finest Connecticut education.

Lancome's "Porcelain" is quite light and pink rather than yellow.

I like the Emmy's — it's nice to see a collection of women who aren't all perfect Hollywood types. I like that it tends to skew older (starting to think maybe I shouldn't botox my crow's feet, because they are awfully cute on so many of these ladies) and less skinny and less surgically altered.

Me too! I was so impressed with how tenderly the wasted girls would care for their more wasted friends.

O'Reilly did his usual thing and talked about how terrible it is that these awful people have pre-judged the nice cop. After all, he's INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY and those awful race baiters are the cause of all the problems.

But, you are assuming that pedophiles only go for opposite gender kids.

My sister would totally do this, if she thought she could get away with it. She adores gravy.

If you want to "make it fresh!" , you combine one packet of ranch dressing mix with one cup mayo and one cup milk.

I had the reverse of this! In college, I had a pet bunny, and my roommate got a kitten. Bunny adopted the kitten and taught her tons of useful bunny stuff.