Sticky Little Fingers

My sister started her first real post-college job in the middle of October in about 1987. My sister is a very very nice, straight-laced, conservative looking person.

I was in a Russian restaurant and thought I'd be all multi-lingual and shit and ordered a cow for my coffee (cow=Korova, milk=Moloko). The waiter laughed and laughed and told all the other waiters about the girl who wanted a cow in her coffee.

I got one of those too! From someone in our China office. I laughed for days about it.

OMG, my nieces poop smelled so bad I thought it was going to warp my contact lenses. That could easily clear out a decent sized restaurant.

My sister's golden retriever used to get right up into your face, give you a big sweet smile and purposely let out the hugest snot-filled sneeze she possibly good. You'd wind up covered stem to stern with snot and the dog would laugh.

Some very small kids also REFUSE to have anything on their feet.

Here's what I want for a NYC bike ... light enough to carry up subway steps, skirt guard, chain guard (even better, a belt rather than a chain), self-powered lights that cannot be easily removed (i.e. stolen), an integrated locking mechanism so I don't have to carry a separate giant chain & lock, the world's loudest

I think she's mellowed over the years. She used to be pretty well-known as a frighteningly awful woman.

The best way to win an argument is to make the other person's head explode in a rage fit.

Am I just old, or do those two (the actors) look really really really young?

For the last 40 years, I have been plucking my 1" wide unibrow that goes pretty much from ear to ear. I do a DAILY eyebrow inspection (sometimes twice daily) to tweeze strays. I also get threaded every three weeks to get the light-colored ones.

I bought a tool set for my boyfriend from Pylones a bunch of years ago — hammer, pliers, box cutter, screwdrivers all in purple flowers. He LOVES them because he can use them on set (he's a filmmaker) and no one steals his tools.

This whole thread reminds me how utterly lucky I am. I have a stable office job in IT. If I ever feel even remotely unwell, I just work from home and no one has any problem with that.

I don't understand the hate here. Blake Lively seems like a nice enough person who carefully controls her public image. She's very pretty, has lovely hair and decent style; she'd not a "deep thinker", but seems like she'd be perfectly pleasant to hang out with. You don't hear tales from co-workers that she's a

Seriously, it's the best! When men talk to me on the street now, they are very respectful and polite, they only do it on days when I really do look amazingly good, and they'll smile or say hello or tell me I look nice, but they never yell, touch me, do that gross hiss thing in my ear or say disgusting things. It's

God, me too. From time to time, I think I'd really like to go down there and, uh, say hello to my friends. But I won't, because if I see any tourists being touristy, I'm afraid that I'll completely lose my shit. I wish they would do special days at the museum just for people who were directly affected but aren't

I was thinking that too! I don't very many of those parts in there anymore.

I think it is super funny to see these guys trying to walk. Or go up stairs. I recently saw a couple guys trying to run with their pants below their asses and that was even funnier.

Cap'n Crunch with a glass of wine is the all-time best "I'm a grownup" dinner ever.