Sticky Little Fingers

I so agree! I still tell people about the stunt in which they sent progressively smaller amounts of money to celebs to see who would cash the check.

Not sure how flying with SIX people is the same as going solo. If the kid were wrestling her own bags into the overhead, I'd be more impressed.

The overwhelming majority of crime is white-on-white. Where's the outrage about that? When will white leaders address this scourge?

Oh god, and the BLUSH. Hot pink stripes on your cheeks. Awful.

Disappointed. I expect better from Beatrice.

We wore our Laura Ashley dresses+pearls with white tights and black patent leather pointy-toed flats. It was actually cute, but kinda proper.

In the early 80s in CT, we wore this:

No way was that hot in the 80s!

I'm old, and I hate voicemail. Everyone at work knows that I do not listen to my voicemail and not to bother leaving me a message. But if you send me an email you'll get a response within less than an hour.

Me too! I wipe that shit off and sit my ass right down. My boyfriend is a germ freak and is HORRIFIED. I now lie to him and tell him I don't do that anymore because he was so freaked out.

You are welcome (within the rules of your particular employer) to talk about God at work. However, if your discussion involves telling other colleagues that they are sinners or going to hell for whatever reason you believe your particular God requires, then you are out of line.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a small apartment building in NYC with about 10 small apartments. I'd gut the first floor and turn it into a big kitchen, living room area. Then I'd move my closest friends in and it would be awesome. Everyone would have their own apartment and small kitchen if they want to be

I did that too! I thought I was the only idiot!

My family doesn't have doctors, but we love stuff that is gross and medical. My sister used to date the Bronx Country Medical Examiner. He'd come to dinner and we'd beg for gross stories. He was pretty amazed that even the most repulsive thing didn't put us off our food. We are all very sad when they broke up.

I had a pet bunny, who was theoretically litter trained. She tried hard, but she never quite understood that just because her FRONT half was in the litter, it didn't mean that her BACK half was in there. So, she didn't pee all over the floor, just on the floor AROUND the litter. Not the smartest creature on earth.

Oh yeah, I totally reported it. My doctor is one of the top guys in the City and he was HORRIFIED.

I had a hysterectomy a bunch of years ago, and the night nurse was SO MEAN to me, I couldn't believe it. I was in pain and I asked her when I was allowed more meds and she said "every four hours". And I asked when that would be and she told me to "look a the clock". WTF? I had to point out that (a) I was asleep

Baked Oatmeal is a very nice make-on-Sunday and grab-n-go all week breakfast:

IHOP. Chicken fried steak with a side of pancakes. And a milkshake, because, hey, if you are gonna spend the rest of the day lying on the couch groaning and hoping your heart doesn't explode, you might as well go all the way.

Mashed potatoes! Substitute milk/cream/butter for a tub of 2% Greek. Awesome.