Sticky Little Fingers

I made pumpkin cheesecake with the Greek Yogurt/Creamcheese combo stuff and it was FAN.TAS.TIC. I used the bars, not the whipped spread. Seriously, better than with straight cream cheese. It had a light tangy thing going on that was unbelievably delicious.

I got to sit next to an adorable 8 year old flying alone once! We chatted the entire flight; at the end, I was tempted to kidnap her and bring her home with me. I loved that kid.

I've done that! I was on a super bumpy flight and started freaking out and GRABBED my seatmate's arm and held on tight. Dude was very very nice about it and chatted about easy stuff in a very soothing voice through the whole thing. I think he was kinda chuffed, actually.

I'm with you on the window seat. If you sit in the aisle, everyone who walks by TOUCHES YOU! Gack! I'll happily trade for another window, but no way to middle or aisle.

Sometimes I wear sexy outfits when I go out with my boyfriend. It is a signal to him that there's a very good chance he's gettin' lucky. HOWEVER, it does not mean that I want to have sex with every single man who sees me. I don't understand why this seems to be such a difficult concept for people to get.

I used to get harassed all the time, and then I turned about 32. Then, I became invisible to white men and only got harassed by black and latino guys. Now that I'm pushing 50, I get smiled at and get very respectful comments ("have a nice day!", "I love your hair!") but never the gross hissing thing, no one tells

Ha! I did explain that in the olden days, if you wanted to know who was calling you, you had to ANSWER THE PHONE.

I had a friend who refused to convert to Windows from DOS. Called it the "Disco Interface"

I remember how exciting it was when they invented answering machines and call waiting.

My niece got one. I told her that she should have saved her money and effort and gotten a hairbrush and glued it to a brick.

Um, in your scenario, the problem is that "men treat women like dirt" by raping, assaulting or killing them. "Women treat men like dirt" by not wanting to have sex with some dude who thinks he is entitled to sex with anyone he decides he wants.

You could also consider making yourself more attractive - women are not as visual as men and often date men who are not conventionally good looking (even ones who aren't rich).

Times have changed and words have changed.

Oh, FFS .... yes, there are people who are grossly sexist who may or may not be liberals. HOWEVER, liberals consider these people to be random wack jobs. They are not television hosts, they are not congressmen or political leaders and they don't have high salaried radio jobs. They are random wack jobs and are

From his manifesto, it seems to me that he had no understanding at all about how relationships work or how people get dates. It sounds like he thought that he just had to be decent looking and dressed nicely, and then go out in public where hot blonde girls would see him, find him attractive and walk over to him and

Sigh. FoxNews is saying that this guy is just a crazy person, and the #YesAllWomen thing is terrible because it somehow makes this about women instead of craziness and there is no sexism or anything.

From his manifesto, it seems to me that he thought that the way it works is that he should sit somewhere public, and hot blonde girls would see him and find him attractive, and come up to him and ask to be his girlfriend. He couldn't seem to understand why this didn't happen to him and found it very unfair because he

Ha! I was the third of three girls. My parents were so sure they were having a boy that they had only boy names planned out. When I was born, they had to scramble to come up with a name for yet another girl.

I wear a sports bra and large men's white shirt to bike in the summer, and then my normal work skirt on the bottom. And, I wear a bandana under the helmet. The men's shirt is flappy enough to be comfortable while riding in the heat and still looks more or less OK in the elevator up to my office since it isn't close

Giro's helmets have room in the back for your pony-tail to fit through. I bought a white one and painted it with about 20 layers of silver glitter nail polish and it's very cute, I must say.