Sticky Little Fingers

I crocheted a skirt guard for my bike out of silver beaded yarn and reflective yarn. Total cost of materials about $65 and about 20 hours of work. People keep telling me I should make a bunch and sell them and get all surprised when I say that I'd have to charge about $300 each.

The question that doesn't seem to come up is this: are employee benefits a gift from your employer (and therefore paid for by the employer out of the pure goodness of their collective hearts) or are employee benefits compensation for a job performed and therefore no different from a paycheck?

If you are in a city, try GroupOn. I can get 6 treatments for $99 in NYC. Did my pits about 10 years ago, my bikini line and my legs. I had a mix of very dark hair, which is completely gone and light brown/blonde/clear hair that thinned a bit but is still there. I'm super happy with the results. I still shave,

I've never seen Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, Dexter, Modern Family, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Lost, Twin Peaks, Friends or Scandal. I've never seen E.T. either. I've seen exactly 1/2 an episode of Seinfeld (and hated it). The only Ryan Gosling movie I ever saw was the one in which he was a Jewish Nazi. I have no

Check out this one ... my all time favorite nun singing ...

Two different things.

McDonald's Shamrock Shakes make my sister poop bright green, but not me. I feel cheated.

I stopped donating to PBS Channel 13 because of the harassment. I had virtually no money, but I donated $50 to them because I really liked them.

I get regular calls from "Windows Support". I let them talk as long as I can so I waste as much of their time as possible (putting them on hold is fun, or telling them my modem is really slow, or making them wait while I reboot), then I tell them I have a Mac (I don't).

Guaranteed to work method: Ask them "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior?"

I've taken to photoshopping my neck in photos. I feel bad about that.

Doubt that's it. There's the B and the D.

In the mid 90s, Time Out NY sent a guy around NYC to try the weirdest foods he could find. He was OK with pretty much all of them (though he was regretting that goats have two ears while eating goat head), but he absolutely called it quits when he got to the cow eyeball tacos.

Me too! Very pale skin, dark hair. Lasered that shit off about 10 years ago. There's still hair there, but what's left is light brown and no big deal. No more shadow!

There are plenty of drivers who hate cyclists, because there are a bunch of pretty terrible ones. But, there are plenty of pretty terrible drivers, too, who do not believe that they should have to share the road.

As I cyclist in NYC, I really really hate jaywalkers. They like to step out from between cars right into the bike lane without looking. Some really smart ones like to do this while pushing a baby carriage, leading with the carriage. I've been nearly killed trying to swerve around them.

I don't agree with letter 2. The friend is going through a terrible time, and she doesn't feel she can talk to her friend because her friend is in terrible shape as well. The writer then basically proves the friend to be right by making it all about her own pain.

Now playing

The one they did after September 11th is one of the most beautiful ads I've ever seen. So delicately done. I still collapse into weeping when I see it.

The all-time great love of my life looked like a cross between Philip Seymour Hoffman and David Bowie, with a little Robert Downey Jr. thrown in. He decided when we turned 30 that he was giving up and would just drink himself to death. It took him 7 years to do it; I stuck around for 4. Geez, he will be 10 years

Oh, man, me too. For winter, I have probably 10 or 15 black cashmere v-neck sweaters, and once it gets warm I switch to black cotton v-neck t-shirts.