Sticky Little Fingers

Geez, I'm boring.

I loved their TV show. I am old and I still have terrible taste in TV.

It's a federal rule from the FDA. The blood bank has no say in it.

I don't know about that. I turned 13 in 1980. My generation constantly felt like we were getting ripped off — our parents spent the 70s getting divorced and going to key parties and ignoring us, and instead of sex, drugs and rock & roll, we had AIDs, Just Say No and New Wave. We were terrified that the Russians

Very simple solution: Put your bag further down on your lap so it is resting mostly on his leg. Or sneeze on his leg. He'll move. If he doesn't, spill your drink on him.

When I interview people, my main number one allover question is "Are you going to be a pain in the ass?" I want people who can manage their own time and to do list, troubleshoot problems, see something not right and step up to fix it without requiring hand holding and a gold star, don't bug me constantly with

Oy, just got in a FB fight with people about the "Skinny Wrap". This thing is a magical cream that is able to penetrate the skin all the way down to the fat cells and release all of the fat-causing toxins so you lose 2 inches off your problem area in just 45 minutes!

Not sure that 400 women surveyed over 25 years ago really are all that definitive.

FoxNews is breathtakingly efficient at propaganda. Watch it for a few hours some time, you'll be amazed and impressed. Goebbels has nothing on Fox

The majority of post-20 week abortions are done due to abnormalities with the fetus or issues with the mother's health.

Completely agree. I'd much prefer a sweet-tempered idiot to a competent asshole.

Best customer service I ever had was from Restoration Hardware. I bought a $500 gorgeous mirrored medicine cabinet. My super broke the back mirror when installing it, and I called Restoration Hardware to find out how to buy a new back mirror piece. Restoration Hardware told me to just send back the broken one (they

I know someone who named their daughter "Endless Spiral". They call her "Spy" for short.

I grew up the only Jewish family in a very anti-semitic town.

And, one more thing .... the leering men KNOW that women hate this, yet do it anyway. So, purposely doing something to make the object uncomfortable is really not the same as honestly suggesting a date.

It's really not the same. Women get ogled NON STOP, no matter what they're wearing, what time of day, what's going on in their life, where they are. They get ogled by really disgusting people whose look feels like they are getting licked by some repulsive stranger. If they don't react properly, they get yelled at

The Fifth Avenue store is a nightmare in December. When I went a few years ago, I had to stand on line for 45 minutes just to get in the door! Inside is a very very loud chaos where they do everything short of tip you upside-down to shake the money out of your pockets.

The best winter coat in the world is a Naval Officer's Bridge Coat. This is the coat worn by the guy who stands on the ship's bridge in the freezing wind. They are wind-proof, super warm, have deep pockets, are pretty much water-proof and virtually indestructible. I easily can get 10 years of hard wear out of one

McDonalds Shamrock Shakes make my sister poop electric green. Not me, though.