Sticky Little Fingers

Honestly, I think the only thing that will help us make some rational restrictions on guns is if a whole lot of black people start carrying them all over the place. Public-facing gun nuts are almost 100% white.

And, don't forget that some states are trying to regulate that doctors who prescribe non-surgical abortion must still have a full medical suite available, same if they were doing lipsuction or somesuch.

For older people, it's not necessarily a cosmetic issue — my sister has this problem. The hood has gotten so heavy that it droops over her actual eye and she has trouble seeing. Her lid kinda pushes her lashes downward too, so she tends to always be looking through a forest of eyelashes. She's going to have to get

Part of the problem with Gretchen Carlson is also that they dyed her bright orange and slapped on a couple of lbs of makeup and a super-bright cocktail dress each morning. I would expect that if she took all that crap off, she'd be perfectly acceptable looking.

We used to go sledding down a steep hill at my father's house and the dogs would go apeshit barking their heads off. Finally, someone grabbed a dog and took him down the hill and the dog LOVED it. They were barking like that because they wanted to slide also. After that, the dogs were always first in line to go

In WWTDDGeekGirl's defense, Palin pretty much constantly disses NYers as not being "real Americans" and talks shit about DC all the time.

I'm not proud of this, but I'm not ashamed either ....

It also works if you rest your bag ON their knee. Don't like that, buster? Move your fucking leg.

I missed a BABY by about 1/2". Asshole jaywalking father pushed his baby carriage right into the bike lane without once looking, when I was about 3' away. Fortunately, I have good brakes and was going pretty slowly, but I very nearly got hit by a car when I swerved. Something like this happens all the fucking time,

I feel like I should say something here, but I'm not sure what. I was saddened by the comments to the post from April about her son being born on September 11th, and I'm just weird and off about these.

Wait, I know a lot of people (men, women, kids) who would love nothing more than to have a rich man take care of them and pay all the bills and would in turn make some effort to make that person happy. After all, you can marry more money in 5 minutes than you can earn in a lifetime. I don't think this is at odds

I guess. I also can kinda easily imagine this poor woman walking around her trashed house after those idiots left and just being in a daze from the disaster and focusing all of her anger on the one lamp.

I'm sure the original lamp was a proper living room lamp and likely cost in the $150 range - decent, but not crazy. The douchebags sound like they "replaced" it with a $5 night table lamp from Target or something. I think I'd be pretty pissed off too — either they thought this made for a good swap, or they were

I did lose people that day, and I agree with you completely. I get very angry when people use the death of my friends to back up their hideous positions.

I completely agree that Weiner is a loser and should never have run. But, I think it is completely unnecessary to try to prove how edgy you are by kicking the guy when he is clearly cruising into a devastating loss.

Much as I agree that Weiner rightly lost, I was horrified by the Lawrence O'Donnell interview last night.

Totally agree! I hate it when they charge MORE for iced coffee than for hot and then give you a cup chock-full of ice with a few drips of coffee and you either must slurp it down quick (winding up with three sips of coffee and a cup of dirty ice) or risk having a cup of melted brown dishwater.

I like how DVF always has models who look a lot like DVF herself, and that you can easily picture DVF wearing each outfit.

Uhhh, are you supposed to wash that?

If you do not have a giant bedroom with lots of surfaces to put shit down on, you need to make your bed. Else, you wind up hunting in the messy sheets for the thing you just put down for a second while you went to go get something else.