Sticky Little Fingers

Working out hard also gives you a sense of control over your own life, accomplishment and tires you out enough so you can sleep. Totally worth it.

WTF is wrong with all of the models? Almost all of them look like their puppy just died or something.

NYC surveillance cameras, particularly those downtown, are super high-res. From NYC Traffic Center, they can pretty easily zoom in to get a sharp view of pretty much anything they want. I'm sure they got a nice clear shot of the driver.

I love plaid.

They'll pull out the data from the cameras and prove it was him driving that particular car. Prosecution will have no problem at all.

No, that will not work.

Sigh. No need for NSA nor Google or whatever.

New York City has a bunch of means to prove the car and the driver ...

If he has EZ-Pass, they can track the license plate all through town. And, their cameras are very very good. I have no doubt they can prove he was driving the car.

New York's Traffic Control Center is unbelievable high tech. There are cameras at every major intersection and they are super high def. I promise, they will have no problem proving it was him driving. No need to contact Google.

Never understood why a dog that loves hanging out in the rain, lying in puddles and swimming would find the bathtub such an utter and complete humiliation.

My BFF is an enormous hard ass and has hated pretty much any guy any of her girl friends ever brought along. Of course, she's been right every time that dude is a loser. If she actually likes a guy, you know you have an actual winner.

Well, it is better than her other song:

Me too. I had to walk out of the Borat movie because I was getting too upset. I cannot handle any sort of meanness at all.

Yeah, I don't remember it being a sex thing. It was much more a group activity. It was fun to try to be more outrageous than your friends and make a big stink and be all melodramatic and scream and flop about. Group hysteria can be a total blast and annoying your parents is at least half the fun.

I think it's sort of like the dude who directed Sharknado.

Lordy, I don't know how they do it, but their Fifth Avenue store manages to stink up about three city blocks.

I kinda feel bad for this pathetic sad sack. It's pretty clear he's never spent any time with an actual female person other than his mom and is freaking terrified of women. He's so desperate to prove his worth that he obviously realizes he is worthless.

Everyone talks shit about Yahoo, but I must defend their MyYahoo reader. I really prefer it to all the other options out there (particularly Google Reader and Feedly). It's nice and clean, easy to find the content I want, quick to load, and I can display really quite a lot of info on there without any wasted space.

Just say that the 3 and 7 month gigs were short-term consulting and you left when the job was finished.