slevin kelevra

What’s the end game here? She lost the Fox gig and sooner or later this relationship is going to be over.

“Four more years of Donald Trump! I say that every chance I get, I just like to trigger the left...”

Get a better job, huh. That’s the answer?

I’ve been wading my toes into “pro-life feminism” for awhile now, and I actually personally know one of the “pro-life feminists” mentioned above.

The point of prison isn’t supposed to be that it brutalizes people—it’s supposed to be adult time out (sometimes forever). Prison violence, and the inhumanity of the carcerel system should be thought of as failings, not “features” of the system.

how did you not know you had lice?

Ambien can be crazy! Doctors need to be very careful prescribing that. I know so many people who have had very bizarre side effects.

I'm sorry but that poor man 😂

All due respect to your past assault (I have been assaulted too so I get it) but two of your worst flights were sitting next to larger people? Sounds like you should just pay for more room if you can’t tolerate people touching you... it’s incredibly uncomfortable for them- they don’t want to get into your personal

The guy is wrong but I 100% understand the impulse. I’m tall and on most planes, if someone reclines, my knees physically don’t fit. My options are then to either turn my entire lower half and do my best to splay my legs under the seat or to manspread into my neighbors’ leg area, not even getting into the issues of

The minute you put your seat back you’re the dick. The end. 

Just a friendly reminder that if you’re going to make the production argument (women should get paid less because they sell fewer tickets/jerseys/advertising minutes/etc.), you are, in fact, making the argument FOR equal pay. Women make less based on production BECAUSE WE ARE SEXIST AF, AND THAT’S WHY THE EQUAL PAY

The fact is that the USWNT could not beat any of the teams the USMNT plays, 9 times out of 10, and everyone involved is aware of that fact.

Especially after Fresh Off the Boat got moved to Friday nights.

that’s the 600 dollar question

Do you really think your run of the mill strip clubber would recognize Constance Wu?

I can easily see a way this could have been done without being racist as fuck. Why didn’t they?

High fashion is ugly as sin.

The fashion world has always been fucked up and full of fucked up egos. They make the marketing department look like paragons of reason.