slevin kelevra

Ah yes, the old ‘makers and takers’ fallacy. First Class and Business Class passengers account for the majority of a flight’s profits, but the majority of the revenue is from Coach Basic passengers. In other words, Basic passengers pay for the plane and the fuel, First Class passengers pay for airline CEO salaries.

Domestically, First/Business is largely a perk for the frequent fliers on most routes (which probably makes it even MORE valuable than selling the seats by keeping the high-paying pax loyal). Internationally there is a kernel of truth to that, depending on the route, which is why 2/3rds of the plane internationally can

I think part of the reason for the current lack of privacy dividers in coach class is the ease of exit and entry in case of an emergency. I imagine this would violate the safety rules of already cramped economy interiors due to the obstacles it would create in egress in case of an evacuation. It would also be quite a

At first there was a simple tap, and a light pull. But when she didn’t get the hint, then she got the double handed tug of “GET THE FUCK UP”.

You win both this horrible game and also my condolences, and possibly also some vomit. Oh my god.

LMAO, lightly pulled? Ol’girl was holding on to her meal ticket for dear life and was all up in the video like Diddy. Good for mom to recognize what was going on.

So uh, these guys realize that the Civil War was about the south succeeding from the union meaning they would be fighting against their lord and savior Dickweed McCunt... right? I can’t.

I worked at the same chinese place as my wife. It’s a semi-basement unit in an old downtown with drop ceilings.

It’s weird how they don’t seem to know that scientists (and intelligent people in general) tend to be progressives.

I own an untouched rural parcel of land and my neighbor clear cut my old growth trees from the bottom 1/3 of it. Once this quarantine is over, I get to head to the Ozarks and start fighting a man in court about tree stumps and the value of old growth

She ain’t gonna be around for long...

This was the funniest article I’ve read in a while! Thanks for kicking off my weekend in an awesome way. Cheers!

You get a star for “Breleigh.” Nearly spit out my drink, man. 

wait, that’s his GIRLFRIEND?! with that angle and lighting, it took me a minute because she looks so old.

So many of us Black men help Becky feel that sense of entitlement and privilege... We’re lucky the masses of black women have not entirely given up on our bullshit.

Black Mamas ain’t playing this season. 😂😂 Becky, Karen, and 'em. Let this be a warning to ya. Stay in your lane and shit yo ass down somewhere fast. You'll soon be upgraded. Just saying. 

The Tribal Gathering website claims that the two-week event isn’t a festival, but rather, “a place for the world to come together, where time is transcended, ancient and modern converge in symbiotic harmony, tribes share their precious ancestral wisdom as musicians call on the ethos of imagination.”

During WWII, America faced a shortage of nearly everything because it was all needed to support the war effort. To help keep things in stock and still support the troops, the federal government imposed rationing. Heads of households (and single individuals) would receive a ration book every month which carried a