slevin kelevra

Also COTA is less than 20 miles from downtown so almost all the meetups and event happen downtown. 

It wasn’t crowd sizes that got it cancelled. It was the amount of international travelers SXSW brings in that got them canceled, especially since a good number of them would be coming from countries with a high amount of confirmed cases.

Yeah that’s a very weird, bitter stance to take against self improvement. I’ve been doing it for 8 years with my friends and almost all of us agree that mental benefits outweigh the physical ones.

Had to have this conversation with an older relative over the holidays but stop giving money to megachurches and shady pastors. The money hardly goes to where its supposed to, they’ll never have enough money and hell will freeze over before they open up the accounting books to y’all!

Had to have this conversation with an older relative over the holidays but stop giving money to megachurches and shady pastors. The money hardly goes to where its supposed to, they’ll never have enough money and hell will freeze over before they open up the accounting books to y'all!

The Mountain Lion didn't get too close. Those two dumbasses got too close to the mountain lion

That’s because not a lot of oat milk is being shipped. There is a limited amount of the product being shipped so it costs more

Don't mind them. Just another basement dweller that never made it out of their parent's house

I give her some of the blame for that ridiculous statement she put out. When asked she could have said something like no comment or I didn’t particularly like that scene. Instead she double downed on that word vomit.

I'm happy that she won it but I wouldn't pick her as the best player on the USWNT. She would be behind Morgan, Ertz and Lavelle. 

Sadly not enough people are going to be able to make that connection. They are just going to take the movie at face value.

Because they are going to want to double dip on the movies they make, especially Disney. The next Star Wars movie isn’t going straight to Disney+. They are going to milk all the domestic and foreign market profits they can and then later on make it available to stream.

I’ll give her credit where credit is due but a lot of people, like the author, are making it out like this case would never have gotten any attention if it wasn’t for Kim’s tweet.

Let’s not forget that either McKinney or others at Deadspin were constantly deleting comments that were rightfully calling her out for making up a story. 

Is there a link for that or did I just miss it somehow?

I’m half Japanese, half Irish and just happened to get majority of the Irish genes. It’s almost comical, honestly it's depressing but how else can you deal with it, how different I get treated from my more Asian looking cousins. I swear I only got my first two jobs because I looked white, yet could be marked down as a

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the school district hired him to coach in the first place, let alone put him in charge of a girls team. What genius thought that was a good idea?

So that's what I've been doing wrong. No wonder I got fired from my security job

“ As a DoD civilian for over 30 years I was seeing and hearing of behaviors that were non-existent before. Fist fights, drug use, psychotic behavior, and the occasional active shooter.”

But you could also argue that every Olympic sports is onwed by an organization. FIFA owns soccer. They make the rules, market and profit off of the game. In my mind theres not much of a difference between FIFA and say EA.