slevin kelevra

I think, in the long term, we have to start thinking in the terms you’re describing.

What makes this such an insane take on a site that claims to be about women’s issues. Instead of doing a legitimate examination of the situation, no matter what side it lands on, the article instead goes full-on ‘Women be whiners’ attitude about a very legitimate complaint.

How come you never hear about Boys complaining about trans athletes beating them. Maybe it is because they don’t since they are disadvantaged by being biologically female for their entire life until their gender change and thus don’t get the phical development of biological males.

Remember when Patty Jenkins was Thor 2's director and was replaced with Alan Taylor? And Portman was pissed and started to get the “difficult” label way back in early 2010s because she was promised a woman as director, which was why she agreed to do Marvel, and then the “Jane” character disappears under Taika? So

Natalie is an Academy award winning, long-time actress who could command a lot of control over the projects she chooses.”

Bye, weirdo!  And you can take your weirdo cult with you, too.

Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.

I mean, this line in the post pretty much sums it up.

It’s also never been confirmed she paid Jeffrey back. They said at the time it was unconvered that she “intends” to but no one from her team could confirm it later on...

This, yes, all of this. She was harmless at first, and tremendously popular (Andy too) when she got married. I feel bad for how the marriage turned out and how the tabloids treated her. But she has made terrible decision after terrible decision. After the infamous cash for access incident (and her subsequent

Fuck her and the peadophile she rode in on.

Ugh, no. She knew who Jeffrey Epstein was, and she took his money anyway. She is defending Andrew as the best man she knows, all while she knows he is shady as hell. She is all about how to get money and status for herself. I do think that back in the day the tabloids treated her badly, but she is not a good person.

I have friends that were Motor T in Headquarters and Service Company.  I think I’ve heard almost every variation of complaint about Oshkosh.

Yeah, Oshkosh owns Motor T’s ass. My battalion had three JLTVs get deadlined for mechanical failures at 29 Palms, and then another eleven get deadlined for a safety recall, leaving us in the middle of an exercise with 60% of our normal complement of JLTVs and having to fly a team of three Oshkosh mechanics out and

“The military” does take it seriously at a macro level. At a micro level, once you’re an O-6 (colonel) and above, you’re more or less in “the club”. Nobody is gonna demote you or probably even fire you. You may be asked to resign if it’s really egregious.. but you still get your full retirement pension and military

Aside from just being stupid, it seems like these contracts are a threat to operational security.

Military contracts are about making as much money off the US government as possible, not making it cheaper or getting it done quickly. Companies have zero incentive to ever make things work right (see F-35) as long as they are getting paid. Throw in some delays and cost overruns for good measure too.

I’ve got just over 10 years in IT with a mom and pop ski and outdoor shop where we’ve done all of our programming/app development and support in house. The old owner was very adamant and proud of the fact that we developed our own talent.

I get short tempered with the new owners who are like, well we can outsource this

Captain Ekman needs to play ball if she ever wants a lucrative Military Industrial Complex job.

Would be interesting if someone could do a “before” and “after” cost comparison... I have a feeling that the current system may not be at all “cheaper” as was likely promised when it was proposed.