slevin kelevra

Tesla’s own sales staff say that FSD is tied to the vin, so it’s part of the car. Full stop. Tesla has two option in this scenario, the features are either tied to the owner who has full rights to transfer the software license or all the items are tied to the vin of the car so they transfer with the car title. 

Let’s take the dealership out of this.  Why would Tesla remove features from a used car in the first place?  When the car was originally sold, they were paid for those options, so why would they go back and turn them off again?  Just so the next buyer has to pay them again?  It’s double-dipping, it’s scummy, and Tesla

In this case, both parties are used car dealers.

This shit right here is why I well never buy a fucking Tesla. The company does something shitty and unethical, and fuckwits like you come out of the wood work to accuse everybody else of being the bad guys.

Take Elon’s dick out of your mouth for a few minutes.

What would be your actual point? When the dealer bought the car, the features were on it. The car was advertised for auction with the features. They were removed after the car was sold. That’s the problem. You’re claiming, on no evidence, that Tesla told the dealer in advance that the car they marketed as including

Thank you all for bringing attention to the people running to oust these spineless republicans from the Senate. Please please please continue to write about them and get their names in the public consciousness . Don’t forget

I have no idea why you would trust Elon Musk’s company more than you’d trust a used car dealer.

you love tesla that much you ignore the proof in the article, Car salesmen and dealers don’t do shit like this very often . A) as a sales guy do you really think I want you back because we are pieces of shit ? No see id much rather sell you and your family and friends a car. Then try and take advantage of you to make

The window sticker listing FSD and other options the dealer got from Tesla when they bought the car from them is pretty clear evidence that Tesla acknowledges that the car was sold to the dealer with those options.

No Tesla is just being a dick, the dealer bought the car at auction, verified the FSD and Autopilot were as advertised in the auction, there is a picture in the article the dealer took verifying the functionality. They moved forward and sold is on with the knowledge the functions were there. Tesla said after the fact

Sara Gideon, as I learned by reading a few stories just now, is a 47-year-old mother of three from Rhode Island

I’ve seen the official title to the car that states it was sold to the dealer on 11/15, and the 11/18 date of the audit came from Tesla themselves. It does not appear the dealer is lying about this.

I know we’re not an important state like New York, so Trump forgets about us, but undocumented non citizens have been able to get a driver’s license for a couple of years here in Connecticut. It’s only for driving, not valid as ID I guess. I occasionally meet people who freak out about “those illegals getting free

Bloody fucking hell. How much money is being spent on constant court battles pushing back the shitty policies of the Trump regime? And this all springs from Trump being a racist bigot nutjob. Every fucking day with this asshole.....

“upon review, Sonmez’s Kobe Bryant tweets were not in violation of their social media policy after all.”

...Something’s weird here. This story only seems to exist in two places online - The Root and the Toronto Star. Even though it happened last April?

“When the cops returned, they informed Afolabi that he was now banned from entering that building because the receptionist and secretary were “adamant they are in fear...”

God, he’s aggressively stupid. Aggressively.

I had to listen to my Catholic in laws and friends gush last week about how great the March for Life was, how great Trump’s speech was, how they loved a sign they saw that said “A person’s a person no matter how small,” and it took every ounce of self-control not to scream at them about how if they actually cared

That said, I can’t blame him in general for telling a heckler to STFU.