slevin kelevra

Remind us again how many people have been killed by Antifa and BLM.

We’ll wait, low-info.

Still can’t figure out how to embed tweets here. So I’ll just share this screenshot w/link instead.

That must have sounded terrible. One outside in the open is probably pretty great, but multiple cars with straight pipe exhaust inside of a metal building? No thanks.

Those exhaust systems sound terrible. It sounds like someone opening and closing a zipper amplified x 1000.

Reading the list of needs with what you wrote in my mind makes me think this is indeed a giant troll by a SAHM to (of?) her Very Important Man husband.

My favorite theory is that a SAHM wrote this re: her CEO husband and she wanted to show him that everyone thinks the amount of work she does is FUCKING INSANE.

What I truly do not understand about incidents like this is why they (cops) don’t walk in, figure out the caller is on some bullshit and then give them a citation for the aforementioned bullshit. The wslasting of their time is one thing but the deterrence of future incidents should be another. I’m not even going to

Then go to a fucking racetrack or autocross. Don’t do that shit on an uncontrolled street.

There is a time and a place for everything. Car shows are not the time nor place for stupid human tricks in cars.

On the plus side, this event is held directly across from one of the largest hospitals in Houston.

Can a free and open event exist without morons eventually turning up and ruining it?

I’ve been a domestic car enthusiast my entire life.....and I think burnouts are obnoxiously stupid and pointless. If you’re doing a burnout and you’re not preparing to launch at the track, there’s a good chance you’re an idiot. 

I stopped attending these events because of all the ass-hattery that goes on. Too much horsepower and ego combined with too little common sense and driving ability.

To me this doesn’t feel like the “Cars and Coffee” I used to go to 10 or even 5 years ago. This is no longer a casual and quiet get-together of car lovers to check out each others’ rides while having coffee early in the morning on a Saturday. Over the past years, like you wrote, it has morphed into a massive social

You missed to cover another Cars & Coffee-type event where a Mustang collided with an Escalade, which resulted in the Escalade driver’s dog exiting the vehicle after the wreck right into traffic, that ultimately killed the dog.

I blame the people who gather at the exits hoping to see burnouts. They should crack down on those gatherings, then a lot of the problem would disappear.

They just need a to create a separate event called “Curbs and Mustangs”.

Because, in my experience high school administrators are petty tyrant assholes who get their jollies tormenting children over stupid shit and then literally laughing in their faces about it, that’s why.

I hate this sort of shit anyway. “This is the code.” “Okay, WHY? Was there a fucking reason for this? Did you throw a dart at a fucking ruler? Was this code handed down on high from Code Yahweh on a stone fucking tablet?”

Living in Texas, I have seen this story pop up the last week on TV. Every time it does, I find myself muttering to myself: “I can’t believe that it’s 2020 and people still think the length of a Black teenage male’s is too much of a distraction at a high school graduation.”