No, if you make a reservation of this sort, there is usually a late cancelation fee. But you usually have until at least 24 hours before to cancel.
No, if you make a reservation of this sort, there is usually a late cancelation fee. But you usually have until at least 24 hours before to cancel.
Explain your logic.
Money. Six hundred and sixty dollars of it. That is why. They want the money, and figure there will always be someone willing to defend them. It isn’t a real PR hit, it is a splash in the pan which will turn none of their regular clientele off, give them a huge chunk of free advertising, and someone will always come…
Why would they lie? Well this is a very unpopular decision, liable to go viral, so they have every incentive to try and say that they were hurt by it in order to bring the stans out to defend them.
The replacement spike strip is attached to a net and digs into the tire, wrapping itself around the axle.
You can’t tell me that joint even missed out on any funding, as soon as they heard the client was canceling the maitre d would be on the phone telling people that a table just opened up. These places always have a list of people, who are either high rolling regulars or some desperate to get a reservation suckers, on…
Founded by Mr Sojiro Ishibashi; ishi - ‘stone’, bashi - ‘bridge’
Smelling booze either makes me nauseous, or makes me want to drink something awful. When I’ve got a nice alternative to flat Coke out of a bar gun, it’s easier to stick around instead of having to leave.
I can see demanding a death certificate, because people lie. But otherwise the restaurant is being a dick about it.
Looking at a couple of the bigger reselling sites sizes go up to xxl so I don’t know if the 4x claims have any truth to them.
Good luck with that.
It boggles my mind that emergency supplies were left to rot in Florida because they expected an island in crisis to pay for the shipping.
I realize that this is a touchy and complex issue, but I really hope that the last 3 years have finally convinced the people of PR to overwhelmingly vote for statehood if given the chance.
I think it’s a matter of perspective. You’re looking at it from the perspective of the commercial’s brief narrative and from that perspective, your opinion makes sense. But if you ask yourself, “what was the marketing team trying to accomplish with this commercial?” It’s pretty obvious that they were really just using…
Sorry you’re not capable of caring about more than one thing at a time. :(
Variations of that Pepsi ad went on for years. Every Super Bowl, Pepsi had basically two speeds: sexy lady being ogled by somebody and Coke delivery men really like to drink Pepsi. The last variation on the theme that I distinctly remember (though there have surely been others) was in the late 90s with a 230-year-old…
This endorsement is such complete horseshit, but there is at least a silver lining that they didn’t line up behind Biden. Horrible as the opinion/editorial writers at NYT are, moderate Blue Dog/right leaning dems read them, and are influence by them. I’m hoping this muddies the waters just enough in the “undecideds”…